Page 69 of Cruel King
As much as I want to snap at him for how cruel he’s been to me since he returned here, I say, “The more you work with the lawyer and me, the sooner you get to leave and never see me again. I’d think that would be motivation enough for you.”
He winces when I mention him leaving but doesn’t say another word before simply walking away. I follow him, unsure where he plans to go, and I’m surprised when I realize he’s actually going to where the attorney is waiting for the two of us.
Lucas stands from his chair and turns to look at me in amazement, probably at how Matthias is dressed like some frat boy. I begin to apologize for our late start, even though it wasn’t my fault, but I’m interrupted before I get more than a few words out.
“What do I have to do to get this over with?” Matthias snaps at him.
Stunned at how nasty he’s being, Lucas answers, “Just follow through on your father’s final wishes. He made them very clear, so if there’s no one contesting the will, it shouldn’t be too much work.”
“Why the fuck should anyone contest the will? My father, in his misguided generosity, seems to have left something to every goddamned person who’s ever stepped foot on this estate.”
Lucas and I give one another the side eye but say nothing to Matthias’s outburst. I know that was a dig at my family and me since we’re merely the help and the kids of the help.
And just in case I wasn’t sure that’s what he meant, he throws me a dirty look before turning on his heel and storming out of the office. “I’ll be back. Get things started because I don’t want this to take all day. I have better things to do with my time.”
Three hours later,Matthias walks out of our meeting after announcing he’s finished with this nonsense, leaving Lucas and me sitting there at the table in the office staring at one another in shock. I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, this seems to be all he does whenever I’m around. If he’s not barking at me, he’s storming out in disgust.
“I guess we’re done?” I ask, unsure if we can even continue our work without him around.
Lucas slowly nods, and I get the sense that he feels bad for me. “Let’s set a meeting for early next week. I’ll email you and Matthias, and hopefully, he’ll be able to make it.”
“Okay. Thanks. Sorry we didn’t get a lot done here today, but I think Matthias is still dealing with a lot of stuff.”
Why I bother to make excuses for his bad behavior, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because it might be true. In all that’s gone on in the past couple weeks, I think Matthias might be having a hard time dealing with some of it, especially considering that he found out his marriage ended right before his father died. I don’t know the particulars of his relationship with his wife, but those two events one on top of another surely must be causing him grief.
Or maybe he’s just a terrible person who likes to make everyone around him miserable. I’m not sure which of these is true, but because I choose to be a good person, I’m willing to entertain the possibility that some of his behavior might be because of all that’s gone on recently.
Probably the part involving Lucas. Everything Matthias does involving me is driven by pure hate. Unfortunately for the attorney, he’s caught in the middle.
I walk out of the office and exhale a sigh of relief. Yes, we only got a few things done, but my time with him is over, thankfully. Now I can be with the King who doesn’t hate me.
As this thought runs through my head, Theo comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me back against him. Already hard, he plants kisses up and down my neck as he asks me how my day is going.
“Trust me, you don’t want to know. It’s much better now, though,” I answer, turning my head just in time to get one of his kisses on my lips.
“I was thinking about you and hoping that even if you were only on a little break that we could sneak off together. How long do you have before you must go back and deal with all that executor stuff?” he asks as he nuzzles my neck just below my ear.
Spinning around to face him, I say, “As long as you want me for. Your brother stood up and left after telling us he’d had enough of this nonsense today, so my executor duties are done for the day.”
Theo smiles and slides his tongue across his lower lip, leaving it wet and making him look so sexy. “Well, thank you big brother. I guess he’s not a complete son of a bitch. But enough about him. Let’s go up to my room and spend the day together.”
He punctuates his suggestion by tilting his hips so his hard cock presses against my body. He’s always such a good time. I love that about him. Everything about Theo is fun.
The way he cheers me up. The way he shows me he cares. The way he can’t wait to be with me. All fun and exactly what I need after a morning full of Matthias.
Taking my hand in his, he runs down the hallway to the staircase leading to the second floor. We sound like two wild kids stomping through the house laughing and having a good time, but I don’t care.
By the time we reach the top of the stairs, I’m nearly out of breath he’s made me run so fast. Looking back at me, he says, “No giving up yet. We’re just a few feet away.”
I push myself to keep up with him, wanting nothing more than what he’s got planned for us when we reach his room. A few seconds later, he flings his bedroom door open and pulls me into the room, slamming the door behind us.
“Do you know how many times I fantasized about doing that?” he asks as he takes my face in his hands, cradling my face and looking down into my eyes.