Page 63 of Wild King
“So he’s been good? No more problems? Nathan told me that things were a bit rocky a few weeks ago. I’m sorry I haven’t gotten over here to talk to you earlier. Ava and I have been busy getting ready for the baby, and you’d be surprised at how muchthat involves. For example, I had no idea there were so many types of strollers.”
Leave it to him to make a big deal out of strollers. And this is the guy my father thought would be the best choice to run the family business. I’d be insulted if I wasn’t so pissed off.
Salem laughs at his lame attempt at a joke and says, “Kellen and I have found some common ground. I’m still working my tail off to get people to see him as I do and you and your brothers do. I feel like we’re very close to turning a corner. I was very thankful when Eleanor came over to visit. It’s good to be reminded that in a sea of people who think he’s a villain, there’s someone like her who thinks he’s such a great person. I wish I could just trot her out and let people interview her about him.”
The two of them laugh, which I sort of understand because the idea of Eleanor talking me up to that bird lady who eviscerated me in that ridiculous interview is funny. If I know her, she would have sliced and diced that journalistic hack the moment she started in with her biased questions.
The world may hate me, but at least I have Eleanor in my corner.
“Yeah, Eleanor is all right,” Matthias says. “She’s always favored Kellen.”
Jesus, is he going to be petty about her too? What a dick.
“Oh, I can tell. She raved about him to me the other day. It was actually really nice to hear her stories about him and all of you. From what she told me, it sounds like you five had great childhoods together.”
She’s right about that. We did. I don’t know when it all fell apart, but I’m pretty sure it had to do with when this brother betrayed Theo.
I look around the doorframe to see Matthias nodding as he says, “Oh, we did have a great time growing up. Our parentswould have been lost without Eleanor, to be honest. Five boys so close in age were a lot to handle.”
Well, I can’t disagree with him on that. Mark that down. One thing Matthias and I agree on.
“You know, Kellen told me that Eleanor is family to you all. I think that’s great. She’s a sweet woman.”
“She is. When everyone moved out and it was just me there, we talked about her possibly leaving, but I told her I couldn’t imagine the house without her in it. I probably don’t tell her this enough, but she’s an integral part of our life there. I know Ava feels the same way. She’s family in every way that matters.”
I can’t stop myself from rolling my eyes as soon as he mentions her. How is it fair that the two of them are making their own little love nest at the house while the man she should be with is lying dead in the cold ground? I swear sometimes I want to scream at the world and ask what the hell is wrong with everyone that they’ve forgotten Theo was the one who loved Ava for his entire life, not Matthias.
That’s about all I can take of him today, so I quietly make my way out to the kitchen to grab a soda before heading to my usual perch on the patio. It’s a beautiful, sunny day, so I might be able to get some good tanning time. Why not? There’s nothing else I can do here with him monopolizing Salem’s time with his useless chit chat.
I toss my shirt onto the back of my chaise lounge and lean back to enjoy the sun beating down on me. I figure at this rate, I should look like I’ve spent weeks down in the islands by the time my lockdown here is over.
My mind wanders to the possibility of Salem and me going back to that resort for a little break when the smoke clears and she’s done working her magic on my reputation. I’d like to do that for her since I fucked up so badly the first time we were there. I think she’d like going back together.
I feel myself drifting off when a voice I could genuinely never hear again interrupts my beautiful day. “Is this what you do here? I never thought you were much of a sun worshipper, Kellen.”
What a killjoy.
Opening my eyes, I turn to look up at him standing on my patio wearing a black business suit and tie. Jesus, relax much, dude? Who gets dressed like that if they aren’t in the office?
Then again, I’m sure he’ll be nose to the grindstoning it after this little trip over to see where he’s keeping me imprisoned.
“What do you want, Matthias? I’m here, as you dictated. I’m not causing you or the company any trouble anymore. I’ve effectively been exiled, so what more could you want? Just let me hang out here in my Elba on the Hudson and leave me the hell alone.”
He stares down at me with no emotion in his expression but shakes his head. “A Napoleon reference? Really, Kellen?”
I close my eyes, done with him now. “Fuck off, Matthias. Go back to your love nest with your girlfriend and leave me the hell alone.”
All I hear is silence and then the sound of his black dress shoes tapping against the concrete as he walks away. Good riddance, buddy. Feel free to never bother stopping in again.
Now that he’s gone, I consider heading inside to see if Salem wants to hang out for lunch today, but after my dear brother’s charming visit with me, I’m surly as fuck. Damnit! That son of a bitch ruins everything without even trying.
Maybe I’ll just relax and catch some rays for a while hoping my mood improves. A little vitamin D never hurt.
The soundof footsteps rouses me from my lying in the sun, and I open my eyes to see Ava marching toward me like some kind ofsoldier on a mission. Fucking great. How much do you want to bet my damn brother mentioned what I said to him and now she’s here to plead their case?
She’s got to be kidding. No wonder she’s so crazy about Matthias. They’re two peas in a very irritating pod.
Before I can even sit up and tell her I’m not interested in whatever she wants to discuss, she starts talking. “I think it’s time we had a talk, Kellen.”