Page 80 of Wild King
Matthias smiles and leans back against the sofa. “I think that was pretty positive, but I understand. I love Ava more than I can put into words. She’s my life, and I’m happier than I ever thought I could be. I know from the outside the whole thing with Theo made me look like the villain, and maybe I was. I never wanted anyone to get hurt, though. I loved him. He was my best friend. Every day I think of him. When Ava wanted baby names, I froze last night because I couldn’t believe I was going to miss my first child’s birth, but I knew because we’d talked about if the baby was a boy, there was only one name that would be right. I wish he was here right now to see him. He’d probably bust my ass about being all domesticated, but that was Theo.”
I think about the brother we lost and nod my head. “He would. Then he’d try to get your kid to go skydiving or something else dangerous before he made it to kindergarten.”
We laugh, but it’s true. It feels good to be talking to my oldest brother again like a family member and not someone he hates having to admit he’s related to.
“You know, Kellen, I think I have to apologize to you too.”
Now that’s a shock. What did Matthias do that I don’t know about and he thinks is worthy of an apology?
“Oh yeah? For what? Did you take away my office I rarely use and stick me in a closet somewhere in the building?”
“No. I was really hard on you about this sexual harassment situation. I’ve since found out that Gina pulled this routine on two other companies and both of those men swear they didn’t do what she accused them of. I’m sorry.”
I’ve dreamed of the moment when I’d be vindicated in my oldest brother’s eyes, convinced I wanted to rub it into his face, but now that he’s actually admitting he knows I didn’t do what Gina claims I did, I can’t think of anything smartass to say.
“I deserved all of it, Matthias. I’ve been out of control since Theo died. I was crushed when he died, and then I thought I wanted to be like him, but that only screwed everything up. I see that now, and I’m sorry.”
My brother stands up and extends his hand to shake mine. “Then it’s settled. As soon as this issue with Gina is taken care of, you’ll be back at work. Well, the way you do it, which is usually working from your penthouse.”
“Sounds good to me.”
As we walk out into the hallway, he says, “Why did we have to do that in the game room?”
“Because it’s where the five of us always hashed things out. Didn’t you ever notice that?”
He stops and turns around to look toward the game room. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. We’ve had a lot of good times in there. Maybe my kids will too when they get older.”
We start walking down the hall again, and I joke, “Tell me, have you informed Ava of this kids things you’re talking about? Because she has to carry and give birth to this group of people, and after last night, I wouldn’t be surprised if she thinks stopping at one would be perfectly fine.”
Matthias gives me a wicked grin. “I’m going to do my best to convince her that it’s too much fun making them, so we’re going to have to have more.”
I slap him on the back and stop at the top of the stairs. “Good luck. For now, enjoy that little guy. You three deserve it.”
“Thanks, Kellen. I appreciate it.”
Done with my dose of mea culpa for the day, I head downstairs and find Salem in the kitchen with Eleanor. The twoof them are discussing the secret to perfect pancakes as I walk in and sit down.
“So I hear you want pancakes for breakfast this morning. Salem has been telling me you say they’re the best in the world,” Eleanor says with a sweet smile.
“Well, they are, but I heard what you were saying about eggs or vanilla or whatever you think makes them the best. That’s not it, and I bet if I make them exactly like you do, they’ll still turn out as manhole covers. Or frisbees. It’s the chef that makes them great.”
Eleanor looks over at Salem and sighs. “This one is the sweetest of them all. Of all the King boys, Kellen is the one who could charm the birds out of the trees.”
“He does have a way about him,” Salem says with a chuckle before turning to look at me. “I think you have a fan.”
I walk over to Eleanor and give her a big bear hug. “Eleanor knows my devilish side but still thinks an angel lives somewhere inside me.”
The woman I’ve known all my life raises her eyebrows at that statement. “I’m not sure of that, but you always were the King with the most charm. That I know for sure.”
I laugh and look over at Salem just as she glances at her phone and all the blood seems to drain from her face. My stomach drops when she turns to face me and I see whatever she just read, it’s bad.
And I’ll bet a million dollars it’s about me.
My mouth goesdry at the sight of the text from Ever that tells me someone from Kellen’s past has come forward to claim he told her he sexually harassed Gina Randolph. Just when things were starting to go my way, this happens.