Page 47 of Girl, Unseen
'I saw where we were headed. At first, I thought everything was theatrical. Just philosophy. But then I saw the way some of the others looked at him when he talked about it. Like they were ready to do anything he asked. And then Ezra asked me to…'
Ella folded her arms. Another piece of the puzzle clicked into place. ‘This Ezra guy asked you to get into NYU’s archive, didn’t he?’
Felix held her gaze. Then he nodded. ‘Yeah. I failed, and I didn’t want to face the wrath. So I stopped going.’
‘You were scared of his response?’
'Yeah, I mean, I don't know if you've realized, but the dude is crazy.'
‘I got that. And has he contacted you since?’
Felix pressed a hand to his battered nose then winced. ‘I’ve been getting letters. Threatening ones, telling me I need to show up to the next meeting. One appeared right on my desk at home. No postcard.’
That caught Ella’s attention. ‘Someone went into your house and left you a threatening letter?’
Felix nodded.
'What did these letters say exactly?'
Felix shifted in his chair. ‘Just stuff about betrayal, abandonment.’
It was the old Scientology approach, Ella thought. Once you were in, you were in for life.
But this was eight guys, not a whole organization.
Which meant Ella could get inside.
‘Where do these meetings take place?’ she asked.
‘Madame Butterfly’s. It was a vintage clothes shop on Warren Street. Closed down years ago. One of the members owns the lease on it.’
‘When do the Order meet?’
‘Every other Wednesday.’
Luca checked his watch. ‘Which means tonight.’
'Yeah. 9 PM to 11 PM tonight.'
Ella studied Felix. ‘How do we get in?’
‘You don't. Members only.’
‘So how does someone become a member?’
'I told you, everyone has to be invited personally. Plus, you can't just walk in. You need the uniform.'
‘Which is?’
‘Black hoody, airsoft mask.’
Luca asked, ‘What’s an airsoft mask?’
Felix made a barrier between his eyes and nose with his hand. ‘Like one of those masks doctors wear. Covers most of your face. The Order’s was green.’
Ella weighed her options. They could storm the place, but that would scatter potential suspects like roaches. Evidence would vanish, leads would die, and they'd be back to square one. Plus, she wasn't sure they had enough probable cause to arrest a bunch of Fight Club rejects playing dress-up in an abandoned store.