Page 24 of Benji
I shot off from the door, going to the sink and washing the heat rub off my hands. Cold water and fragrant soap were a good distraction from the sultry scent of a gym locker room rendezvous.
I splashed some cold water on my face and looked myself dead in the eye in my reflection.
“Act your age,” I mumbled sternly to myself. “Show some restraint.”
Hm. Yes, restraint.
I shook out my shoulders, letting the tension slip away, and I urged my dick to behave, then went straight to the kitchen to clean up after dinner.
It was another good distraction, as was the work I did on my laptop for two hours. Benji hadn’t stirred or come out of my room, and while I understood he was therebecause I’d told him he could lie in my bed, I hadn’t exactly meant that he could spend the night there.
I’d assumed he’d come out at some point and settle on the couch again, but he hadn’t. When I went in to check on him, he was on his side facing me, sound asleep. The room was dark, the only light coming from the hall, casting a soft strip of colour across his features.
He was pretty. Beautiful, even.
Pale skin, a few freckles, long eyelashes, and full lips. His dark, curly hair topped off his boyish features.
It was easy to see why he used the term rent boy.
Young, thin, cute.
I considered waking him but figured he could use the sleep. It wasn’t like he was wide awake and eagerly patting the bed for me to join him... Then I considered taking the couch as I’d said I could... as I probably should. But the selfish part of me wanted to sleep next to him. It was a huge bed and I could stick to my side of the bed and not disturb him...
My god he was so beautiful.
He was asleep, and I was being a perv for watching him without his knowing.
So I got myself ready for bed, dressed in pyjamas—sleep pants and a tee—and slid into bed as quietly and gently as I could.
He didn’t stir.
I was almost disappointed.
Okay, so I was disappointed.
And annoyed at myself for being so.
I was dreading going to work in the morning, possiblyfor the first time ever. I didn’t want to leave Benji here by himself. Not that I feared he’d skip out on me, taking whatever he could sell with him.
I didn’t think that at all.
I didn’t want to go to work tomorrow because I’d enjoyed his company so much. I hadn’t had someone over at my place for any length of time, and the company had been amazing.
Having someone to talk to, to laugh with, to eat with.
I got the feeling he wouldn’t be staying for the whole week, and I was going to miss having the company. Which was a stark reminder of how lonely I was.
How reclusive I’d become, and how much of my life centred around my work.
With a weighted sigh, I rolled onto my side with my back to him and closed my eyes.
I wokeup too warm and far too comfortable, and as I came to grips with my surroundings, I realised why.
Benji was using my arm as a pillow, curled into my side, his head on my chest.
What the fuck?