Page 13 of One Drink
“Whoa, slow down.” Zoe’s eyes were about to pop out of her head. “That is way too much to unpack all at once. First, Jake would never expect you to give up your independence. Besides, isn’t he the one that put his dreams of writing the next great American novel to help you save the magazine?”
“Agreed. Invalid argument,” Kate added. “Doesn’t apply to Jake.”
“How do you know that?” I asked. “Who’s to say he doesn’t do a one-eighty on us and flip the moment we get serious?”
“Is that what you want?” Kate asked. “To get serious with him?”
“I don’t know.” I sighed. “Can we get another round?” I looked around until I spotted our waiter and flagged him down.
“So, now that we’ve all agreed Jake is a great guy,” Zoe started after we ordered our drinks, “tell us about this charity event.”
“His dad is in town and caught us talking Monday morning. Jake was holding my hand, and his dad got the wrong idea. He’s here sponsoring some big charity event in a week or so. He insisted I join Jake. I tried to tell him we weren’t dating, but Jake stopped me to avoid giving his dad the wrong impression of me, and now I have to go.”
“Is it black tie?” Zoe’s wide grin returned.
“Yes, but why does that matter?”
“That could be so romantic.” Zoe clasped her hands together, shrugged, and looked up at the ceiling like she was dreaming up her own Prince Charming. “Can you imagine? Beautiful ball gown, tuxedo, dancing, champagne, kissing under the stars. Oh, my God, Steph. I’m so jealous.”
“Then you go. Maybe Jake will agree to take you instead.”
“Not a chance, he’s your date.” Zoe’s voice bubbled with excitement.
“Just tell me what to do.” This thing between Jake and me had consumed my thoughts for five days, and I was done thinking about it. “I just want things to go back to the way they were. I value his friendship too much to screw it up with a failed relationship.”
“I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way.” Kate’s gentle voice was a welcome treat after Zoe’s overly excited and cheerful tone. “You and Jake slept together, and I personally think that is awesome.”
“So do I.” Zoe’s cheerful voice chimed in.
“I’ll tell you what to do,” Kate said. “Give him a chance. Let him surprise you.”
I didn’t know what else to say. So, I said the only word that popped in my mind. “Okay,” even though I wasn’t sure what I meant by it or if I was really willing to give him the chance they insisted he deserved.