Page 40 of One Drink
“Yep. My arm gets pretty tired after a long walk.” I pointed to a table next to the edge of the lake. Belle loved to lay at the edge and stick her paws in the water. I tied her leash to the leg of the table and let her roam around us.
We sat down in comfortable silence, and she handed me my coffee and pastry. While she looked perfectly content, I sensed she wanted to say something. Belle hopped up next to her and put her paws in Stephanie’s lap. It made me smile to see Stephanie laugh and pet Belle like she didn’t mind at all.
“Belle, down girl.” I snapped my fingers, but Belle dropped her head on Stephanie’s lap.
“It’s okay. I don’t mind.” Stephanie ran her hand down Belle’s back, encouraging her to stay.
“At least she hasn’t gotten in the water yet or else your dress would be soaked.” Stephanie looked at me and the gleam in her eye told me that wouldn’t have bothered her either.
“I always wanted a dog, but my mom wouldn’t allow it. It was one of the few things her and Dad disagreed on.”
I didn’t know her father that well, but this tidbit of information surprised me. “Your dad likes dogs?”
“He does, but he always let Mom win the battle.” She smiled when Belle licked her hand.
“She likes you. She doesn’t usually lay on other people’s laps.”
“Good. It’d suck to have my boyfriend’s dog hate me.”
“Yes, it would. Especially since I have no intentions of getting rid of either of you.”
She laughed and drank her coffee. We ate our breakfast and watched others enjoy a morning stroll in the park. Being Sunday morning, the park wasn’t busy yet, but there were a few families playing with their own dog near the pond and a few joggers running the paths. It was peaceful, and even though I sensed hesitation in Stephanie’s body language, I knew it was going to be okay. We were going to be okay. And that was all that mattered.
“So, your resignation.” She looked at me with her nose wrinkled up. “You’re really set on quitting?”
“Yes. It’s past time.” I wrapped my hand around my coffee and took a sip. “The magazine is on a great path, and you’ve got so many talented writers and graphic designers working for you now.”
“I know.” She dropped her eyes to her own coffee cup and fiddled with the heat protective sleeve. “It just won’t be the same without you there.”
I took her hand in mine. “You won’t miss me that much. I’ll see you in the evenings and weekends.”
She lifted her eyes to mine and squeezed my hand. “I know, but it won’t be the same.”
“Sweetheart, you’ll be so busy kicking ass and breaking new records at work, you won’t even miss me.” That earned me a chuckle. “We’ll have more time to focus on us as a couple rather than being coworkers.”
“And writing your novel.” She smiled. “Do you know what you’re going to write about?”
“I think so. It’s a book I started years ago. I dusted it off this past week and revised a few scenes. It’s going to take me a while to get back into the writing groove, especially with all the space travel research I need to revisit. But I’m excited.”
“Well, I’m excited for you. I can’t wait to hold the book you wrote. It’s going to be a huge success.”
“You think so, uh.” I raised my brows with a sly grin.
“Yes. When you set your mind to something, you don’t give up.” She glanced up at me before she looked out over the water. “Listen, I know it won’t always be easy. The scars my father created run deep and they may always cause me to overact to situations. But I do love you, Jake.”
“The best relationships are never easy. I hope you’ll let me help you work through the hard stuff. I love you and will always be here for you.”
Stephanie leaned across the table, making Belle whine when she moved her head off her lap, and slid her hands around my neck. “I think I could get used to hearing that.”
She kissed me soft and gentle before she sat back down and started petting Belle again. I smiled as I watched my two favorite ladies bond. My chest swelled, and a tingling sensation ran through my body. Who would’ve thought that an offer of one drink would lead to the drunken night that ignited the love between us. No matter how awkward or hard the past two weeks were, I’d never regret any of it. Stephanie was mine, and I planned on spending the rest of my life showing her just how deep my love for her ran.