Page 10 of Charm Me
“Wyatt.” I breathed.
“Yes.” He dropped his forehead to mine with his hand clasped around neck. The warmth of his hand next to my skin made my body beg for him to touch me in other places.
But that would be a really bad idea. “We shouldn’t do this.”
He pressed his lips against mine and then released me. He slid back in the booth, and the air between us instantly chilled. “Probably not. But we’ll see.”
He stood, put on his hat, and shifted his eyes between me and the pastry. “For the record, you’re much sweeter than the puits d’amour.”
Wyatt tipped his hat and walked out of the shop.
AFTER FOUR CUPS OFcoffee, I wasn’t any more awake than when I first got out of bed. It was going to be an all-day coffee kind of day.
I tossed and turned for hours haunted by that kiss and the chill that washed over me when Wyatt pulled away. The way he held me close—his hand grasping the base of my neck—and covered my mouth with his was possessive and demanding. Hours later I could still feel the warmth of his lips against mine. I couldn’t stop imagining what would’ve happened if I hadn’t broken away. What if I let him continue his assault down my neck and to my ...
Fuck. I can’t concentration. He left me aching for more.
How was it possible for him have this much of an effect on me? I’d only just met him, and one kiss had me daydreaming about all sorts of naughty things I’d love for him to do to me. I never thought about men like this. Ever.
He wasn’t a stranger, not exactly. I may have just met him in person, but I’d spent the past few weeks learning everything I could about him and his ranch to prepare for my presentation. Maybe that added to my attraction to him. Based on what I’d read, I knew I’d like him. I didn’t need to speak to him in person to know he was a good man from a good family. His good character shined through in every article. But the combination of that knowledge and the surge of energy that ran through me every time he was near, was unexpected.
I wasn’t supposed to like him, at least not like this.
I stepped off the elevator onto my company’s floor. Wyatt’s voice echoed through the open space, sending a rush of need straight to my core. My heart pounded in my ears and my hands started to shake. I wasn’t ready to face him yet. Not after that kiss. I needed more time to get this insane draw to him out of my system.
A quick glance toward Glen’s office and I caught a glimpse of Wyatt’s boots from where he sat on Glen’s sofa. My heart beat so loudly it drowned out the sound of his voice.
I didn’t know when I’d see him again, and though I’d hoped it would be sooner rather than later, I’d hoped I’d have a few days reprieve to get over this feeling.
My office was only two doors down from Glen, but I wasn’t about to walk past his office right now. I headed in the opposite direction and looped the long way around to avoid passing his door. It was early, and the floor was still mostly empty, so I didn’t need to worry about anyone questioning what I was doing.
I settled in front of my computer and tried to drown out the knowledge that Wyatt was so close. As soon as I started answering emails, Wyatt’s deep baritone laugh surrounded me, and a shiver ran down my spine. His laugh did unspeakable things to my body. I loved the sound of his voice and his laugh was even better.
Like an idiot, I strained myself to hear what it was they were talking about. Purposefully listening to him was not helpful. But I wanted to know what it was that had him laughing so loudly so I could repeat it. I started to get up to move closer to my door when I heard Glen say my name followed by footsteps coming down the hall. A few seconds later, Glen stood in my doorway.
“Zoe, you are here. When did you sneak in?”
“I didn’t sneak.” Shit, busted.
I didn’t think he’d come looking for me first thing or how it would look when he found me sitting at my desk. My morning routine included stopping by his office and saying good morning to him when I got in. Not seeing me would be odd. “What can I do for you?”
I hoped a change in topic would avoid any further questioning. “Wyatt’s here and he’s impressed with your report. I need you to clear your schedule this week and take him to see one of the farms you’ve helped. He wants to see the vacation destination in action.”
A tingling sensation filled my chest and my hands felt numb. There was no way I could show Wyatt around for the week and maintain a professional relationship. That man did things to me that I couldn’t control. “I can’t do that. I have meetings scheduled all week.”
“You can reschedule those. I need you to do this. If Wyatt likes what he sees, he’ll sign with us. This is the kind of account you’ve been looking to land.”
“Well, yes. But—”
“Zoe, if you close this deal my recommendation to promote you will be a sure thing. The other partners will sign off on it immediately. Trust me.”
Trusting Glen wasn’t the problem. Glen had been helping me set myself up for this promotion for months. He’d recommend me for it regardless of landing this account, but without it, there was no guarantee it would go through. “Which farm does he want to visit.”
Glen wrinkled his nose. “Coming Home Farms.”
I dropped my head and sighed. On top of being deathly tired, a headache threatened. “Of course he would choose that one.”