Page 15 of Charm Me
Chapter 7
We’d been on the roadfor about ten minutes with hardly a word spoken between us since we stepped off the plane. I’d clearly hit a nerve with his sister Abigail. I sensed it was a sensitive subject and I brought it up anyway. One of these days I’d learn to mind my own business.
I had a bad habit of prying too deep into others personal lives. I’d made that mistake with Stephanie when I first met her and Kate. It was the first time Michael introduced me to them. I’d been a dummy, and pressed her about her refusal to date a man Michael wanted to set her up with. I had no idea her father pressured her to quit her job and get married. Thankfully, she didn’t hold that against me, and we still became close friends.
But I couldn’t help myself, and I’d asked questions. I wanted to know more about Wyatt and his family. A man’s relationship with his family was a good indication of his heart.
I shouldn’t initiate personal conversations with him anyway. It would only cause me trouble. My heart was too open and therefore susceptible to his charm. If I weren’t careful, I’d fall hard and fast for this man. This week was going to be hard enough managing my attraction to him with my parents around.
I didn’t need to complicate things by getting to know him on a personal level. This was, after all, a work trip.
I glanced over at him. It was hard to tell for sure in the low light, but his expression seemed calmer than it was before we hit the road. He’d insisted on renting a truck and driving. I tried to get a sedan and convince him to let me drive. I figured it’d be easier since it was dark and I knew the way, but he wasn’t having it.
It would be well after eleven before we arrived, and my parents would be waiting up for us. I tried to convince my mom to leave the room keys and instructions on the front table, but she insisted she had to greet all her guests first thing. I was tired and nervous about introducing Wyatt to them. My mom had a way of seeing right through me, and she would see my attraction to Wyatt the second we walked through the door.
“You’re awfully quiet over there.” I jumped as Wyatt’s deep voice resonated through the cab of the truck.
His lips turned up slightly at the way he startled me. I rotated to face him and crossed my arms over my chest. “You think you’re funny, don’t you?”
“Funny? Nah.” His grin grew, and I scowled. “You’re cute when you’re frustrated.”
“Who said I’m frustrated?” I was frustrated, about several different things. None of which I wanted to discuss with him.
“Didn’t have to say it. It’s written all over you.”
Shit. He could see right through me, and I hated it. How was it possible for him to read me so well after only two days? Was I that easy to read or were we that in tune to each other? Please, let it be the latter.
“I’m just tired. It’s been a long day.” I didn’t sleep worth a damn last night because of him and his damn mouth. If kissing were a sport, he’d be a gold medal winner.
“Then talk about something to keep us awake. I’m tired too, and we have at least another hour before we arrive.” He was in the office before me this morning. Combine that with his time change, and he had to be exhausted.
I sighed and dropped my arms to my side. “Well, since we already got the serious part of the-getting-to-know-each-other out of the way, what does Wyatt Strong do for fun?”
“Fun? I don’t have fun.”
“Oh, come on. Everybody has something. What makes you tick outside work?”
“More work.”
I turned in my seat to face him. Based on the look on his face, he wasn’t joking. “You can’t be serious. Life is too short to not have fun.”
“What do you do for fun?”
“Tell jokes and go dancing.” I didn’t hesitate with my answer. I loved going dancing with my girlfriends, especially line dancing. They weren’t a fan of country line dancing, but they went with me because it made me so happy. And the jokes were a fun bonus that always got a good laugh.
“Jokes and dancing?”
“Yep, I have an endless supply of bad and inappropriate jokes, and I love line dancing. I make my girlfriends go with me at least once a month.”
He looked at me out of the corner of his eye. “Line dancing, huh. I haven’t gone line dancing in years.”
“That’s unacceptable. A cowboy like you needs to dance. If you’re still in town, Saturday night I’ll be at Boots with my girls.”
He raised his brows, and I bit my bottom lip. I just asked him out on Saturday night. What the hell was I thinking? Fuck, that’s the problem. I wasn’t thinking which seemed to be a problem for me around this man.
“Tell me one of your jokes,” he said.