Page 20 of Charm Me
Chapter 9
One day of showingWyatt how the farm business was modified, and I was exhausted. It was only two in the afternoon and I’d never been so grateful for the opportunity to crash on my bed for a short nap. I’d clearly spent too much time away from the farm these past few years if a day of walking and talking around the property and town had me this worn out.
The city life was making me soft.
Of course, it didn’t help that I was stuck in a constant battle with myself to resist pulling Wyatt’s mouth to mine and kissing him senseless.
Why did he have to be so nice on top of being sexy as fuck? He was certainly broody and reserved, but underneath his rough exterior, he was a puppy dog. His chivalry, engaging conversation, and deep sexy voice combined with his many other great qualities made me regret taking sex off the table.
Why did I have to make such a big deal out of not having sex with him? All I did was set myself up for failure because all I could think about was dragging his ass into my room and letting him do all sorts of naughty things to me.
If the way he looked at me was any indication of what he was thinking, they’d be very naughty things indeed.
I ran my fingers through my mostly dry hair and looked at myself in the full-length mirror. I opted to wear a flowery sundress that hit just above my knees with a pale blue cardigan that brightened the color of my eyes. I wanted to look nice without looking like I was trying too hard.
Momma was already onto me and suspected there was something going on between Wyatt and me. As expected, she saw it on my face the minute we arrived, but I didn’t think Daddy had. My dad was overly protective of me when it came to men and had never liked a single one of my boyfriends. Wyatt was a good man and I didn’t want my dad to think otherwise. He hated my last boyfriend, Michael. Turns out it was for good reason, but I didn’t know that. I’d just assumed Daddy was being protective but looking back now, I think Daddy saw right through Michael.
I put on some light pink lip gloss, took one last look at myself in the full-length mirror and headed downstairs.
I didn’t see Daddy or Wyatt, but Momma was in the kitchen working on dinner.
“Can I help with anything.” I stepped up behind her and rested my chin on her shoulder.
“There you are. I was about to send out the search party.” Momma kissed my cheek and smiled. “If you don’t mind, finish up the platter of cheese and crackers and take it out to your dad and Wyatt.”
“Where are they? I didn’t see them when I came down.”
“Sitting on the back porch drinking a beer.” Momma’s smile dropped before she opened the fridge and handed me a jar of olives. “Your dad really seems to like Wyatt.”
I glanced up at Momma and her curious stare made me nervous. “That’s good. And how about you?”
I added the olives to the platter and arranged the crackers around the outer edge. All the while I felt Momma’s eyes watching me. I knew she had her own feelings with regards to Wyatt and I could tell she wanted to share, but she held her tongue.
After the way she doted after him over breakfast, she couldn’t deny she liked him too. Maybe that was the problem. Neither one of them had ever really liked a man I brought home and they liked Wyatt. If things worked out between us, it would most likely mean they saw me less. I’d have to ...
What the hell is wrong with me?I squeezed my eyes shut and faked a yawn. I didn’t need Momma reading my mind with all these crazy thoughts floating around.
After what felt like an eternity, she let out a slow breath and sighed. “He’s a very nice man. The beer is in the cooler on the porch. Your favorite oatmeal stout is there.”
“Thanks Momma.” I glanced up at her out of the corner of my eye. She was still watching me like she had something else to say but she shook her head instead.
“Get on out there and make sure your dad behaves himself. Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes.”
I picked up the platter and did my best to hide my smiling face. I loved my parents very much and would do just about anything for them, but they loved to meddle in my love life. The fact that they both liked Wyatt was a positive sign, but it didn’t mean they were in favor of me dating Wyatt. Not that there was anything between Wyatt and me at this point, but if there were, it would be nice to know where my parents stood.
I paused as I neared the back door at the sound of laughter. Wyatt’s throaty laugh resonated throughout my body, and I involuntarily clenched my legs together. I rolled my eyes up toward the ceiling and let out a deep sigh. I closed my eyes and fought back the desire struggling to break free of my control.
The things this man did to me without even trying.
I took a deep breath and walked outside. Daddy and Wyatt were drinking beer and joking around like old friends.
Yep, Daddy likes Wyatt.
They both turned their gazes to me when the screen door slammed shut behind me. Wyatt shot up and reached for the platter. “Here, let me get that for you.”
“Thank you.” Wyatt sat the platter on the table in front of them while I grabbed a beer from the cooler. He remained standing until I’d opened my beer and took a seat opposite them. My face heated and I took a pull from the bottle hoping it would hide my blushing cheeks. “So what were you two laughing about out here?”