Page 32 of Charm Me
It’d only been eleven hours since Wyatt left this morning and I already missed him more than I wanted to admit. How was it possible for someone to integrate themselves into my thoughts so effectively in just five short days?
But that burly, mountain man had managed it just fine. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get the image of his naked, rock-hard body out of my mind. Or the way he used that sexy, determined mouth of his to make me come. I’d lost count of how many times he made me come in the last two days. And dammit, my panties were still wet with need, wishing I were locked behind a closed door with that man again.
I squirmed in my seat and crossed my legs trying to dampen the ache between them.
Not only was I missing Wyatt something fierce, but Kate and Stephanie were both in relationships now and their significant others were here too. Which made me the fifth wheel.
I was happy my friends had found love. Their boyfriends were great, and I loved spending time with them almost as much as my girls. Kate’s boyfriend, Gavin, was new to our group, but Jake, Stephanie’s boyfriend, was as much my friend as her, but now that they were dating, it wasn’t the same.
To say the least, Boots wasn’t the escape I desperately needed it to be tonight. Dancing just wasn’t doing it for me. I managed to get through a few solo dances, but every time a couple’s dance came up, I thought of Wyatt. Instead of dancing, I sat at one of the bar top tables that surrounded the dance floor, nursing my beer.
I even failed at faking smiles which wasn’t something I ever had to fake in the past. Even when life got me down, I’d always been able to make myself and everyone around me laugh. Instead of enjoying myself, or even pretending to, I sat on the sidelines looking pathetic and feeling sorry for myself.
If I didn’t find a way to get him off my mind, the next several weeks were going to be hell. We didn’t set a date or time frame to see each other again. We left it open with a promise to call and text once we both had a better handle on our schedules over the next few months. He’d be busy finalizing the closure on the Dakota expansion and I’d be busy developing the plans for the Montana vacation rentals and lining up all the resources required. It wasn’t an ideal time for either of us to consider a long-distance relationship but if we wanted it to work, we’d figure it out.
I hope.
Sitting alone, watching my friends dance, wasn’t giving me the distraction I needed. They were too blissfully happy dancing with their boyfriends, and I was going through Wyatt withdrawals.
“If you’re feeling down, I can feel you up?” A deep guttural voice, that I now knew all too well, vibrated through me and my heart hammered against my chest like it was trying to break free. When I turned around in my stool, I met Wyatt’s wide smile, his teeth strikingly white against his tanned skin and dark beard. Holy hell did he look good in his snug fitting Wrangler jeans and black t-shirt that hugged his rippling muscles. His black Stetson shaded his eyes, but not enough to disguise the intention blazing in his gaze.
Damn his irresistibly devastating grin. I found it impossible not to return his smile along with my own tantalizing line. “Screw me if I’m wrong, but have we met before?”
He threw back his head, his laughter floating up from his throat. He removed his hat and rested his elbow against the bar top, making him eye level with me. He leaned in close, the stiff hairs of his beard scratching the delicate skin of my neck and breathed in deep. His exhale was more of growl than a release of air and my entire body shook with need. “Don’t tempt me, love.”
Oh my God, the things this man does to me. It wasn’t natural.
I couldn’t stop myself from cradling his face between my hands and pulling him in for a kiss. My pulse leaped with excitement at the energy and power he projected. His lips parted mine in a soul-reaching exploration of my mouth. If I’d barely survived eleven hours without this kiss, how was I going to make it weeks, maybe even months between visits.
Damn, I was in for a world of hurt.
He broke away, his green eyes fixed on me. “Does that mean you missed me?”
“Eh.” I shrugged. “Maybe a little.”
He laughed and kissed me again.
There was an inherent strength and trust in his ruggedly handsome face that set me at ease. He wasn’t supposed to be here and yet he was.
“I thought you were spending your last day here with your sister.” I said.
Sadness flashed over his eyes and vanished so quickly that if I hadn’t been staring at him so intently, I would’ve missed it. “She wasn’t available.”
The sound of someone clearing their throat pulled my eyes away from Wyatt before I could ask him more. Jake stood on the other side of the bar, glaring at Wyatt. “Everything okay here?”
I rolled my eyes. “Everything’s fine, Jake.”
“Steph sent me over to make sure this guy wasn’t bothering you.”
Before I had a chance to respond, Stephanie, Kate, and Gavin walked up. I didn’t know Gavin well, but the protective look on his face made me smile. He and Kate only started dating a few weeks ago and he was already well integrated into our group.
“Guys, this is Wyatt. Wyatt these are my friends.” I made introductions. Wyatt shook Jake and Gavin’s hands and nodded to Stephanie and Kate.
“So this is the guy you’ve been moping about all evening?” Stephanie was the first to throw in a jab. I should have been prepared for that from her, considering how much shit I gave her over her behavior toward Jake when she was in denial about her feelings for him.
“I’m not moping.” I protested.
“Sure. Whatever.” Stephanie’s arms were crossed over her chest and all my friends were watching Wyatt like they were preparing for an interrogation. All I could do was smile when Wyatt slipped his arm around me and stared back at them with a somewhat smug look on his face.