Page 5 of Charm Me
Chapter 3
The air in the officechanged the moment Wyatt Strong walked through the doors. Even down the hall in the conference, there was no mistaking the distinct clank of his cowboy boots on the tile floor. Every step he took toward Glen’s office reverberated through my veins and my entire body tensed up. He couldn’t see me tucked behind the corner, but I still hunched over trying to make myself smaller.
I wasn’t ready to face him again, not after the way I’d embarrassed myself last night. I’d gone over our brief run in a thousand times and no matter how I tried to spin it, it was bad.
If only my brain had started working before I told the stupid hot pick-up line. One of these days I’d learn to stop rambling and not say the first thing that came to mind. I had no filter and jokes calmed my nerves. They worked on most people, but Wyatt hadn’t looked amused. I didn’t know how to interpret the seriousness of his expression. I was torn between him hating me or wanting to devour me in the most delicious way imaginable.
He’d held his intense gaze on me the entire time and his grasp around my waist was firm. But it was his low guttural voice that made me ache to be touched by him in naughty places. If he spoke to me in that voice during my presentation, I might crawl over this table and let him have his way with me.
After I heard Glen finish the introductions and shut his door, I dropped my head against the wall and let out a long, deep breath. I had to get a grip. I couldn’t afford to fuck up this presentation because the client was so hot, he made the devil sweat.
I shook my hands to my side and pulled up Wyatt’s company website. He looked exactly like his picture. I don’t know how I missed it last night. I’d studied this picture of him enough I could see every one of his features with my eyes closed. His dark, thick beard had hints of gold with amber streaks, and nothing could hide his piercing emerald green eyes. Not even his black Stetson hat. Even behind the beard I could see his square jawline and sharp cheekbones. He exuded power and strength. But his lips were a soft pink and oh so very, very kissable.
And I’d had enough to drink last night that I would’ve let him kiss me had he tried.
How did I miss it?It wasn’t like I ran into cowboys often in Manhattan. Never, in fact. That alone should have been my clue. There was no mistaking this man with someone else. A handsome man was enough to make any woman lose focus, but this man was ridiculously sexy.
I’d been too focused on the warmth of his solid arm wrapped around me and the way his touch burned through me like a raging fire. And when he sniffed me and let out a long slow breath that brushed across my neck, I’d nearly melted like butter on a hot burner.
Staring at a picture of him wasn’t helping. With the real deal about to walk into this room at any minute, the last thing I needed was to get myself all worked up by fantasizing over a picture of him.
I shut down his website and opened my presentation.
I was being ridiculous. I had a job to do, and I couldn’t let a hot man fluster me like this. Maybe I just needed to get laid.
I hadn’t dated anyone for any length of time since I broke up with Stephanie’s brother, Michael, and that was over four years ago. I’d gone out a few times since then, but nothing lasted beyond the first date. I wouldn’t say he broke my heart or ruined me for other men, but he had cheated on me. He’d been one of the most considerate men I’d dated, so when I caught him out with another woman, I’d been shocked.
I hadn’t stopped dating intentionally, at least I didn’t think I did. I’d just started working for One Financial and put all my energy into my career and my friends. I didn’t make time for dating, and I was fine with that.
I was ninety percent positive my lack of dating had nothing to do with Michael. I didn’t hate him. How could I? I never would’ve met Stephanie and Kate had I not dated Michael. They became my best friends and without him, I never would’ve gained them in my life.
Glen’s office door opened, and my heart instantly pounded in my ears. A tingling sensation spread under the surface of my skin and I pressed my hands onto the table to steady myself. I kept my eyes focused on my computer screen and pretended to read it, but truth be told, I had no clue what I was looking at.
All I knew was I couldn’t look up, not yet. If I did, I’d stop breathing.
Would he recognize me from last night? Lord, I hope not.
I dug deep in search of my strength. So what if he recognized me. Maybe it’d become a funny joke we could laugh about later. I loved jokes. But for now, I had a job to do.
“Zoe.” Glen’s cheerful voice filled the room. I looked up at Glen with what I’d hoped was a natural smile. I could see Wyatt out of the corner of my eye, and he stopped. I could’ve sworn his stance stiffened but I could’ve been wrong. “Let me introduce you to Mr. Strong.”
I pushed my shoulders back, stepped past Glen, and held my hand out. “Hello, Mr. Strong. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
He hesitated. His eyes perforated my exterior and I wavered. It was the same intense gaze I saw last night. He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but he pinched his lips and took my hand. A zap of energy shot through me and I sucked in a breath.
“Pleasure’s all mine, ma’am. Please, call me Wyatt.” He gave me a curt nod.
He held my hand for a moment longer than a normal handshake and I could see the recognition in his eyes. He didn’t smile but I caught a hint of humor as he raised a brow before he squeezed my hand again then let it go.
I turned back to Glen and nodded. “If you’ll both take a seat, I’m ready to get started.”
I wrapped my hand around my good luck locket and turned my attention back to my computer. Glen and Wyatt exchanged a few pleasantries as they took their seat and the sound of Wyatt’s rough Montana voice sent a quiver rushing through me. I spent my life around rough and rugged cowboys and never met one that had this effect on me. Why was he so different?
I sucked in a quiet breath and projected my presentation onto the screen before I looked up. Wyatt’s gaze was fixed on me and I clenched my fist tighter around my locket. “There’s water, coffee, and a few select sodas on the back table if either of you would like something to drink.”
They both shook their heads no. Glen smiled and nodded for me to get started and Wyatt stared at me like he was ready to pounce and devour me at any moment. This was going to be fun.