Page 111 of Truck Up
“Stay out of this.” Linden glares at her, his voice low and threatening. It causes Chase to hop to his feet and puff out his chest.
“Don’t talk to her like that.” He growls.
Linden laughs. “What are you going to do? Kick my ass.”
“Keep talking like that to my girl and find out.” Chase takes a step forward and crosses his arms over his chest. He’s easy-going until you mess with someone he loves. Then the gloves are on.
“Sit down, Chase. No fights in the bar,” Garret says. That’s another rule of the MCs. No fights unless you want them joining in, and like I said, they don’t fight fairly.
Garret shoves Chase back before he turns around to face Linden. “No one here is stupid enough to fall for your bullshit, so shut it and play.”
“You scared he’ll lose?” Linden stares at me, daring me to argue otherwise.
“I’m not scared of you,” I say. “I can beat you at poker with my eyes closed.”
“Prove it.” His voice is calm and confident. Way too confident for him.
I stare at him for several seconds, and when I don’t immediately turn him down, Lina pipes in. “Don’t you dare. Lia will be pissed. Hell, I’m pissed for her.”
“She doesn’t have to find out,” Linden says.
Charlotte snorts. “In this town? I bet the rumor is already spreading. She’ll know about this before you even deal the cards.”
“Yeah, because I’m going to call her.” Lina digs her phone out of her back pocket, but Tanner jumps up and grabs it from her before she can even unlock it. “Hey!”
Chase charges Tanner and snatches it back. He raises his fist to punch Tanner, but Garret is faster and grabs his arm.
“No fights,” Garret growls.
“Everyone relax,” I say, holding my hands up in a calming motion. I hold my gaze on Linden and fight the smile that lifts my lips. “I’ll take your bet and enjoy every moment of kicking your ass.” I lean forward and narrow my gaze. “And when I do, you will never bother me again.”
“You fucking idiot!” Lina yells. She snatches her phone back from Chase and barges out of the room.
“Hundred dollars she’s calling Lina,” Charlotte sing-songs in a cheery tone.
They’re both right. But I’ll deal with that after I wipe the floor with Linden’s face. After tonight, he’ll never bother me again.
I stuff my hand into my pocket for a cigarette but come up empty-handed. My entire body tenses with irritation and need. Smoking always has a way to calm my nerves, but I gave that up.
A crowd gathers around our table, including Badger. He’s standing behind Linden with his arms crossed over his chest and a smug grin on his face. He thinks if I lose, he’ll get Amelia all to himself. I’ll kill him before that ever happens.
I look back at Linden before I toss back the last of my whiskey. He leans forward, looking proud and confident. “Well, what’ll it be?” he asks.
Chapter 23
The devil I know.
My foot pounds on the gas pedal, adrenaline surging through me. I’ve never driven this recklessly before, but tonight, every second feels anxiety inducing.
If Lina’s warning is true—if Linden and Christian are actually gambling away my relationship—there will be hell to pay.
“Come on!” I growl, slapping the steering wheel in frustration as I’m stuck behind some oblivious driver, crawling along at the speed limit. I don’t have time for speed limits. I don’t have time for anything but getting there, putting a stop to this madness before it’s too late.
What kind of insane person bets their entire future on a hand of cards? Christian wouldn’t do this to me, would he?
The thought is a cold fist around my heart, suffocating the hope that’s barely clinging on.