Page 12 of Truck Up
As soon as my body is done expelling my morning coffee, I wipe my mouth and flush down the evidence of my illness. Falling back against the wall, I take a few deep breaths.
What was that all about? Now that I’ve thrown up, I feel oddly better. And hungry.
I stare at the empty space in front of me while I process what just happened. I can’t say my body has ever reacted that way before. Shaking it off, I push to my feet and head to the sink. After pulling my hair back, I splash cold water on my face, and brush my teeth.
I’m still tired and feel like dragging my feet like a zombie, but my stomach feels fine.
I open the medicine cabinet to grab my face cream to reapply it now that I’ve washed it off. Instead of reaching for the cream, my eyes fixate on the pill pack next to it. My birth control.
Oh, my God. No!
I cover my mouth and slam the medicine cabinet shut.
“No, no, no, no,” I whisper several times before I lean down and open the cabinet below the sink. The lone box of tampons is unopened.
I pull it out and stare at it like it will somehow give me all the answers I seek, even though I don’t know what the question is that I should be asking. “Shit, when did I buy this?”
I squeeze my eyes closed and think. Ever since taking over ownership of the flower shop my life has been hectic. Time flies by without a thought and before I know it I’ve lost days, weeks, even months.
When was my last period? I can’t remember exactly, but I don’t like the realization that comes to me.
“Oh God.” I fall to the floor, struggling to breathe.
This can’t be happening. There is no way this is happening. It just can’t be.
I rack my brain for the answer I desperately need. I think I bought this box of tampons almost three months ago. How in the hell did I not notice that I missed my last period? Maybe two at this point.
I drop my head and press my palms on my forehead.
Recently, I ran out of birth control before I could get the doctor to renew my prescription.
How long ago was that? A month? Two months? Maybe longer.
I’d only gone a week without birth control before I started it up again. Christian and I were careful, though. We used condoms for a few weeks until it was safe again. Could we have screwed up?
“Fuck,” I say under my breath and stuff the box back in the cabinet. Then I rush to my bedroom and grab my phone.
I open up the group text with Nova and Hadley and send off a message.
What did your brothers do now?
Or is it your mom?
I smile despite the panic building inside me. My friends are always so quick to respond and support me in any way they can. But they’re going to freak over the bomb I’m going to drop on them today.
Can you guys meet for lunch?