Page 134 of Truck Up
“No, I won’t.” I cry. Tears run down my face and settle in a pool between his hand and my throat. I swallow as I gasp for air. It hurts and burns my chest.
A loud crash from the front of the store fills the air, followed by the sound of my name.
“Amelia!” My heart leaps into my throat at the sound of Tanner’s voice.
“I’m back here!” I call out.
He presses his mouth to my ear and whispers. “Shut up, bitch.”
“And you expect me to love you when you call me names like that?”
He removes his hand from my throat. I cough and suck in a deep breath. It’s enough to fill my lungs. But the reprieve is short-lived as he covers my mouth with his hand. “I said shut up.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Bro, what are you doing?” Tanner comes to a stop a few feet away from us. His expression shifts from one of fear to utter confusion. Badger may be Linden’s best friend, but Tanner has known him just as long. They all thought he was a great guy.
“I’m taking what was promised to me.” Badger growls. “I’m tired of waiting.”
“Dude, she doesn’t want you.” Tanner tries to reason with him. “You can’t force her into this. It’s kidnapping.”
Badger shakes his head and takes a step backward. He’s inches from the storeroom door. If he gets me through there, this is over.
The storeroom door creaks, and Badger spins us around. Relief washes over me at the sight of Christian blocking Badger’s only means of escape.
Christian is a whirlwind of rage. His eyes, usually a warm shade of whiskey brown, are now black with fury. His jaw is clenched, and his knuckles are white as he grips the worn leather jacket he wears. He moves with a predatory grace silently stalking its prey.
Badger, distracted by Christian’s sudden appearance, loosens his grip around my neck. It’s enough. I wrench myself free, stumbling to the ground, my legs weak.
As soon as I’m out of harm’s way, Christian lunges. His fist connects with Badger’s jaw, sending him crashing into a display of canned goods. The clatter of falling cans drowns out my gasp.
Hands grab at my arms, causing me to flinch.
“It’s just me,” Tanner says.
I whip my head around and meet his worried gaze. Then I lung into his embrace and sob.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you.” He runs his hand over my hair and hugs me close. “He’ll never touch you again.”
Badger roars, and we both look in his direction. He scrambles to his feet, kicking several cans out of his way. He lunges at Christian, a crazed animal. The two men grapple, a whirlwind of fists and fury. With every punch Badger takes at Christian, he receives two in return.
I watch, paralyzed with fear. I know Christian is strong, and a better fighter, but Badger is bigger, and clearly out of his mind. His mental state makes him far more dangerous than Christian.
The fight spills into the next aisle, knocking over shelves and sending produce flying. I scramble back, my eyes wide with terror. Tanner holds me tighter, doing his best to comfort me and let me know I’m safe. I don’t think I’ll ever feel safe again unless Badger is locked up.
Christian gets the upper hand on Badger, and pins him to the ground. His fist flies in quick succession, pounding Badger in the face over and over again. It gives me a relief I’ve never quite felt before.
A figure materializes in front of me. It’s Linden, his face grim. He steps between me and the raging men, his body shielding me. “Are you okay?”
I nod. “Christian. Help him.”
Linden whips around, and then rushes toward the two men.
“Christian! Stop!” Linden roars, his voice booming with authority. “You’ll kill him!”
Christian pauses, his eyes locked with Linden’s. He’s breathing heavily, his face a mask of savage fury. But Linden’s words seem to penetrate. He looks at me, his eyes filled with a desperate plea.
I shake my head frantically. “Christian, he… he tried to…”
My words are enough to cause Christian to start punching Badger again. His face is already a bloody mess. Too much more of this, and Badger might not survive.