Page 38 of Truck Up
Just before he reaches me, Linden grabs his arms and pulls him back. “My sister is not your concern. Badger, get her out of here.”
“She’s very much my concern.” Christian breaks free and steps between Badger and me. “You will not touch her,” he growls.
“Christian, don’t,” I beg.
His arm stops mid swing. He’s been waiting for a reason to punch Badger again, but I can’t let him do it. Badger is the kind of asshole that would press charges. With Christian’s history, he’d go to jail for sure.
Christian’s eyes plead with me to let him do it. “I swore he’d never touch you again.”
“Please,” I cry. “There’s more at stake here than just me.”
His eyes shift to my stomach. Then his expression softens, and his body relaxes. “The baby,” he whispers.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Linden asks.
Christian takes my hand and pulls me to my feet. Just before he tugs me close, he presses his hand against my stomach. “You okay?”
I nod and sink into his embrace. The rest of the world is momentarily forgotten. “Yeah, I think so.”
“What the fuck!” Tanner yells. My head snaps up and I meet his knowing glare. “He said baby.” Tanner points at Christian but doesn’t take his angry eyes off me. “Baby? Really Lia? Please tell me you’re not pregnant. With him?”
A collective gasp fills the air, and I squeeze my eyes closed. This isn’t how I planned to let the news out that I was pregnant, but there’s no talking my way out of this one.
I open my eyes and meet my brother’s awaiting glare with a smile. My answer is short and simple.
“Yes, I am.”
Chapter 8
Never make panicked decisions.
Silence surrounds me, and the only sound I hear is the pounding of my heart. It’s beating so hard and loud my chest feels like it’s going to explode.
We’ve stunned this gossiping, nosy community speechless. Local bad boy knocks up the town’s pride and joy and beloved sweetheart. As if my life choices and failures aren’t already bad enough. This is scandalous.
The day was coming when we’d have to tell her family that she’s pregnant, but I didn’t expect to have to face Amelia’s brothers today. It’s Grams’s birthday, and I didn’t want to spoil it. I always spoil everything.
Linden steps closer to us. His eyes dart from Amelia to Tanner and back again like he’s not sure he understands what they said.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” He directs his question at Amelia.
She doesn’t answer him. Instead, she looks up at me with a worried look clouding her honey brown eyes.
“Don’t look at him,” Linden demands. “Look me in the face and tell me this isn’t true.”
“I … umm …” she mumbles before she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.
She’s trembling. I know she’s not afraid of her brothers, but she hates being a disappointment. Her family relies on her to take care of them and fix problems, not create them. I hate seeing her like this. It makes me want to wrap my arms around her and keep her safe.
Instead, I step in front of her, readying myself to take on the full force of her brother’s wrath. This one is on me, and I’ll protect her until I take my last breath.
Before I can speak, she rests her hand on my shoulder and whispers. “I’ve got this.”
Then she pushes her shoulders back and stands tall. She presses her hand to her stomach before taking a deep breath. When she meets her brother’s angry glare, there’s no fear in her expression. She looks so strong and sure of herself. I’m filled with pride. I wish I had half her strength.
“Yes,” she says clearly. “You heard correctly. I am pregnant and Christian is the father.”