Page 41 of Truck Up
Then she spins on her heels and runs out the door. I’m left staring after her, surrounded by a low rumble of murmurs from the party guests.
Chase slaps my shoulder and chuckles. “Well, brother. You shocked me with this one.”
I furrow my brow at him, and he grins. “I fail to see why you’re smiling.”
“Gotta hand it to you. You always keep life interesting.”
“That’s one way of putting it,” I mumble. Then I head to the door to find Amelia. I’ll leave my brothers to deal with the Koch brothers. I’ve got much bigger problems to deal with than those assholes.
I’ve got the love of a woman I don’t deserve. Something tells me I better figure out my feelings real fast or else I could lose her forever.
“Lia, wait!”She’s already reached her car by the time I catch up with her. She ignores me and climbs into the driver’s seat.
I grab at the passenger side door handle, but it’s locked. “Lia, please. Open the door.”
She hunches over in the seat with her head resting on the steering wheel. From the way her body is shaking, I’d say she’s crying. She’s never really cried like this. Lia is strong and generally a positive person. She never lets anything get her down. Seeing her fall apart is killing me inside.
I knock on the window, hoping that will snap her out of it. I need to hold her and try to make this better. Not that I have any clue how to fix this. She’s pregnant with my baby and our families are at war with each other. For all I know our brothers are tearing each other apart at this very moment. All because I couldn’t keep my hands off her.
Add in the fact that I’m a recovering addict with a penchant for messing things up and we’ve got a disaster on our hands. I can’t fix this mess between us but I can still hold her and pretend for a little while.
“Babe, unlock the door.” Her head snaps up, and she meets my worried gaze. The look of surprise on her face suggests she didn’t realize I was outside her car.
The lock clicks and I quickly open the door before she changes her mind. At some point, Amelia is going to realize I’m not worth all this stress and anxiety. A part of me will die on that day, but until then, I’m going to relish my time with her.
“Come here.” I reach for her and some of the tension in my body dissipates when she lets me pull her onto my lap.
I brush her hair back so I can see her face. “Please don’t cry. We’ll figure this out.”
“How?” She drops her forehead to mine. “Our families hate each other, and my brothers will never accept this. You saw how they acted tonight.”
She’s right, but I can’t think about that right now. Her admission of love is weighing much more heavily on me. “I don’t know, angel. But I’m here.”
She lets out a long sigh and slides her hands around my neck. Her lips are soft and gentle, almost tentative, when they touch mine. It’s been far too long since I felt her lips, and I miss them. We haven’t been intimate since she told me about the baby and I’m longing to feel her again.
She deepens the kiss, dragging a groan from me. I squeeze her ass and press her into my lap. My cock is already hard and begging to be inside her.
Her fingers make their way into my hair and fist around the strands. She tugs my head to the side and thrusts her tongue past my lips. There’s a sense of urgency to the way she’s kissing me now. Like she’s desperate for it.
I’m desperate too, but making out with her in her car so close to the community center isn’t a good idea.
“Lia, we should stop before your brothers find us.”
She growls and nibbles on my bottom lip. It makes my cock jerk in excitement. My angel needs to be in control, and I’m going to let her. “Fuck my brothers. I need you.”
She releases me and scrambles to unfasten her pants. She has them halfway down her legs before my brain kicks in and comes back to reality.
I glance around us. It’s dark outside, but her car isn’t hidden. Anyone could walk up to the window and see us clearly. “Angel, someone will see us.”
“I. Don’t. Care,” she says between several quick breaths. “Fuck me.”
“Babe,” I beg.
She grabs my face and forces me to look at her. “After tonight’s fiasco, the entire county will know about us come morning. No use hiding anymore. I need you inside me.”
I’ve no clue how she manages to get her pants off so fast while straddling my lap in the passenger seat, but she tosses them aside and wraps her fingers around my hard cock before I can respond. At this point, I can’t fight it anymore. If she wants me to fuck her in her car where anyone can see us, then that’s what I’m going to do.
I reach between us and unzip my jeans. The smile that lifts her face makes my chest feel light. This is the version of Amelia that makes my heart soar. She’s fucking gorgeous when she takes what she wants without reservation.