Page 47 of Truck Up
“Okay.” Nova tosses one of her hands up in surrender. “Forgive me for trying to lighten the situation.”
“Thank you,” I mumble and sink back into my seat. I’m emotionally drained and still feeling nauseous.
God, what I wouldn’t do to curl up under my covers and bury my head in my pillows. That sounds absolutely divine right now. But home is the last place I can go. I’m sure my brothers have already told our parents about the news. Hell, their phone is probably ringing off the hook with people hoping to be the first to tell them the gossip or offer their condolences.
Condolences. I shake my head and roll my eyes. What a stupid way to feel about a pregnancy. This should be joyous and exciting news for us to share. Instead, I feel publicly humiliated and shamed for entering a relationship with Christian. The last thing I feel when I think of him is shame. He’s not a perfect man, but he’s mine.
I glance out the window just as we pass Koch’s Pit Stop. “Where are we going?”
Nova shrugs. “Nowhere in particular. Cruising the backroads, maybe. Just driving until you tell us what you need.”
“What I need is a reality check.” I sink back into the seat and sigh. “How could I be so stupid?”
“Honey,” Hadley squeezes my shoulder. “You’re not stupid. Why would you even say such a thing?”
“Oh, I’m stupid alright. Only an idiot would let herself fall in love with Christian Mutter and announce it to the entire town.”
Nova slams on her brakes and we skid to a stop on the gravel road she turned onto. “Wait a minute.” She holds up her hand. “Did you tell him you loved him?”
I nod. “It just came out when my brothers were yelling and threatening to hurt him. I didn’t mean to say it like that.”
“Well, not much you can do about that now,” Nova says. “Did Christian return the sentiment?”
I shake my head. “He went really quiet and turned almost white like he had just been delivered the worst news in the world.”
“Well, shit.” Nova slams her hand on the steering wheel.
“Maybe you caught him off guard, is all.” Hadley reassures. “A lot was going on. And we all know he doesn’t think very highly of himself. He probably didn’t think a woman like you could ever fall in love with a man like him.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I turn and glare at Hadley. “I thought you were on my side?”
“I am, and that’s not what I meant. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him.” She quickly adds. “It’s just what I think he would think about himself. And let’s not forget that you two are the least likely couple imaginable. A recovering addict and the town’s pride and joy. Come on, Lia. Even you have to admit that’s an unexpected pairing.”
“I am not the town’s pride and joy.” I scoff.
They both snort.
“Sure, whatever you say Lia.” Nova chuckles.
“It’s true. I’m just likable. That’s all.” I stare out the window, unable to look at either of my friends. “Besides, it doesn’t matter now. Everyone is going to judge me and say Christian is going to leave me. From the way he looked, they might be right.”
“You don’t know that,” Hadley says. She’s always the optimist in our group. I love that about her, but this time I don’t know if she’s right. “He’s a man. They always take longer to adjust to change than us. Give him time. He’ll come around.”
“Hads, you didn’t see his face when I said it. He looked worse than when I told him I was pregnant.”
“Honey, this is a lot for him.” Hadley reaches around the seat and hugs me as best as she can from the back seat. “Any man in Christian’s situation would struggle with this news. But he’s got a lot more trauma in his past. It could take him longer. You’re going to have to be patient.”
I pat her arms and lean into her embrace. “I hope you’re right. I really do.”
“Of course I’m right.” Hadley gives me a big grin that looks far too fake. “He wouldn’t have followed you to your car and, you know—”
“Fucked her for the world to see,” Nova supplies.
“Do you have to be so vulgar all the time?” Hadley asks.
“Yep.” Nova smiles. “It’s part of my charm and why you two love me.”
I playfully punch her arm and smile. “You’re not wrong.”