Page 79 of Truck Up
The last thing I want to do is cry. Christian will never understand what the tears mean and might take it the wrong way. I don’t want him to think he hurt me because he didn’t. He gave me the greatest pleasure I’ve ever known.
I’m overcome with the urge to tell him how I feel. So I snuggle my face close to his neck and whisper, “I love you.”
“Hmmm.” He squeezes me closer and kisses the top of head.
He doesn’t repeat the words, but he doesn’t have to. This feeling is everything. His actions scream that he loves me too.One day, he’ll be able to tell me how he feels. Until then, I’m going to revel in the way he takes care of me.
This is something I never want to lose.
Chapter 16
My anger, my peace.
Amelia fell asleep almost as soon as we left the hotel. Once we hit the highway, she curled up next to me and passed out. I kept her up far later than I should have. After our bath, we had a late-night snuggling in bed and watching movies.
I should have let her sleep. She needs more rest now that she’s growing a human. I may not know much about babies, but it can’t be easy on a woman’s body to be pregnant. The need for more rest seems necessary.
She lets out a soft yawn and stretches her arms over her head. “How long have I been asleep?”
“About an hour.”
“Sorry.” She rubs her eyes and blinks several times. “Didn’t mean to sleep on you.”
“Don’t apologize. You needed the rest.”
The sigh that comes out of her sounds so peaceful that I can’t help but smile. When I look over at her, she looks happy. It pleases me to know that I made her that way. I’ll have to think of other things we can do together that will also put a smile of contentment on her face.
“I talked to the contractor before we left,” I say, hoping this conversation will also make her happy. “They got the frameworkup. Should have it closed off to the environment within the next week.”
“Really?” She beams at me. “Does that mean we’ll be able to move out there soon?”
“Yep. At that point, it’ll be livable. We still won’t have much space. It’ll be hectic and noisy as fuck. But if you’d like more privacy from my family, we can move next weekend.”
“Oh, my god. Yes!” She claps her hands. “Don’t get me wrong. I love your family, but it’s kinda weird living there.”
“I get it. I find it weird too. Maybe we can—”
My phone rings, cutting me off before I can finish my thoughts. I pick it up and see it’s Chase. I answer it and put it on speaker.
“Hey,” I say. “What’s up?”
“When are you getting back?” he asks.
“Should be home in thirty or forty minutes.”
“You still coming over to Mom’s for dinner?”
“Fuck.” I run my hand over my face and down my beard. “That’s this Sunday?”
“Yeah, that’s this Sunday.” I can hear how much he’s dreading this just from his tone. “I’m going to head over there soon, but I wanted to make sure you’d be there. You know how much Mom hates me.”
“She doesn’t hate you,” I insist, even though I know it’s a lie. Ever since she lost Dad, Mom has only had eyes for bad men. Chase is too good for her, and she’s never accepted that about him.
“Ha,” he snorts. “No need to lie to me. I know the truth.”
“She just doesn’t understand you,” I say.