Page 29 of Masked & Mine
Yeah, it probably will.
It’s the middle of the night by the time Marcello has his driver drop me back off at my apartment. Walking up to my second-floor apartment, I let out a little squeal. Percy and Mack are both asleep and leaning up against my door.What the fuck?How the hell did they even know where I lived? They look super cute, though. The way they are leaning on one another while knocked the hell out.
“What the hell are you two doing?” I whisper loudly at them.
They shake themselves awake and look at me like they can’t believe what they are seeing.
Mack bounces off the door and walks towards me. He puts his arms around me and starts to squeeze the life out of me. “Oh, thank God you’re okay.”I’ll let that sky daddy ‘thank you’ go this time.
“What are you talking about? Of course I’m fine.” There’s no way they know about the shit with Marcello.
“We were on your stream when we heard the deep voice, and you looked like you’d seen a ghost, and then the stream just ended.” Percy gets out. He sounds like he was worried sick.
“Yeah… It was very random.” Fuck, I’m going to have to tell them. That explains why all the people were flooding into my stream.
“How did you all know I was streaming?”
“We have notifications turned on for your profile. Duh?!” Mack explains, like it’s the most obvious answer out there. There goes the unwanted stomach flips.
“We were streaming and got the notification. We told all our subscribers and viewers to head over to yours, because that’s where we were going. We for sure weren’t missing that.” Percy says so matter-of-factly, and in this situation, I appreciate it.
“Well, thank you for sending everyone over. It was the highest number of viewers I had ever had. That is, until Marcello had to end it all.” Both of them look at me with wide eyes, and their jaws slack. “I know you want to know what happened…”
I don’t even get to the point of what I was going to say before Percy cuts me off. “Did he hurt you? He better not have touched a hair on your head.” He picks up my arms and runs his hands all over my body to look me over.
“Percy! Stop, I’m fine,” I say, grabbing both his arms and holding them by his sides, and I reach up to give him a kiss. It hadn’t even been a day, and I’d already missed their touch. “Come on, let’s go in, and we can talk about what happened. The door hadbeen unlocked the whole time.” I walk through my door because Marcello couldn’t lock it while trying to keep me in his grasp. He’s a strong fucker to keep me from choking him out.
“The suspense is killing me. Mar… Please tell us what happened. We were so scared that you weren’t okay.” Mack is such a sweetheart. He sounds on the verge of tears, and it rips at my frozen heart.
“Ugh, I don’t even know where to start or how to even make this sound sane to people not involved in the mafia life.” I shudder out a breath just thinking about how I’ve just immersed my life back into that world. I really thought I was done with that life. “My father, Igor, is a horrific man. I’ve known this my whole life, and he has done unspeakable things to me.”
Percy grinds his jaw, his hands tightening into fists. “I’ll kill him,” he says angrily.
“Woah there, smutty mafia man. Let me finish.” I’m never going to let him live down the fact that he reads spicy books. I am going to steal a couple from him and see what the hype is all about. “Marcello could’ve easily had a civil conversation with me at his house, my apartment, or literally anywhere else. But he had to pull out the greatesttheatrics known to man. He kidnapped me and told me he wanted to kill my father and then have me take over the Russians,” I finish with a shrug. They both stay staring at me, jaws on the floor. “Did I finally find a way to shut you two up? Yeah? Perfect. Can we go shower and go to bed? I’m exhausted.”
“Mar… Are you okay?” Mack’s so worried. Percy’s still in shock.
“Yes,Luchik,my father is a disgusting human, and this is what he deserves. I know this is ludicrous to normal people looking in, but it’s the mafia life. He’s crossed one too many people. It was bound to happen, eventually.”
“So, do we get to be mafia husbands?” I snort a laugh. Only Mack would ask that in this moment.
“I’m sure you don’t want to be a part of this chaotic life. It’s dangerous,Luchik.”Get out while you can.
3??“You’re stuck with us, Mar. You had us scared to death. I know you said you don’t want anything serious, but hear us out. You fit perfectly with us,” Percy starts.
“We felt like there was a piece missing, and you filled that void perfectly for the past twenty-four hours blissfully, I might add. Then we thought you were hurt, and that brought out the true feelings we had for you out in the open. For both ofus,” Mack says, looking over at Percy with the softest eyes I’ve ever seen. “We want to see where this goes with you alongside us.”
I’ve felt the same way since leaving them yesterday, but I thought it was delusional of me to have these feelings this early on…But all along, they’ve been feeling the same way I have.
“Can we talk about this more tomorrow, when we’re all not sleep-deprived and talking out of our asses?” I counter back. Mack’s face falls, and I hope to Satan herself that I didn’t just break this sweet boy’s spirit.
1. Dethrone - Bad Omens
2. Ascensionism - Sleep Token
3. Never Know - Bad Omens