Page 7 of Playing for the Dark
Gasping, and grabbing his chest like I’ve shot him, he says, “Of course I do! I just figured you wouldn’t with the goth getup.”
What he doesn’t know is I haven’t always been a goth girly. I’m not explaining the deep shit to a quick fuck, though. Yeah, I made up my mind. He’s for sure going to be fun for the night.
That damn country accent with the Spanish twist has my knees weak. It comes out to play the more tequila I get into him.Save a horse. Am I right? He’s going to get the ride of his life tonight. Cackling at myself, I say, “Thank fuck. Though, how old are you? I may need to see ID.” I’m acting like I don’t know from the stats.
He chuckles and gives me that perfect smile. “Twenty-one. Almost twenty-two.”
“I’m on my cougar shit tonight.” I throw back my head, laughing like I’m manic.
Shaking my ass, we all start rapping together.
Blair is staring down a man who looks like he murders for fun in his off time—or maybe his full time. Just her type. She pulls her hand up in front of her face and moves her fingers toward her, telling him to come over. We’re all still singing along, and killer man comes over willingly.
That man happens to be Vincent… who works for her Uncle. This is going to get messy.
1. Rolling Stone - The Weeknd
Chapter 6
“Stai zitto, cazzo,” I grit out. He needs to hold still so I don’t fuck up my signature brands. I want them to be nice and pretty. Vincent’s usually the one taking joy in torturing, getting the information we need, or scaring the living shit out of these worthless fucks. I had some steam to blow off tonight, though, and he needed to be at Club Onyx for whatever reason.
When you cross me, my family, or one of my employees, you become permanently marked, making you a dead man walking. I own you from here on out. If anyone else sees these brands while they’re torturing, they know to bring them back to me to be finished off.
1 I push the final brand into his skin right above his dick. The scream he lets out is otherworldly. Throwingmy head back, I bask in it. “That’ll teach you to steal from my women again.”
He’s pissed himself. Great, even more of a mess to clean up. “You should be embarrassed,turpe,” I snarl. The last brand warns all women away from him. He fucked with one of the women in my brothel. They may be sex workers, but they still have rights over their bodies and can revoke consent at any time. She had to push the panic button that was in the private room.
“I—I didn’t steal from he—” I hold my hand up to silence him.
“I don’t care that you were paying her. She said stop, and what did you do?” I wave my hand in a circle and give a curt nod, telling him to get on with it.
“She was asking for i—” I don’t let him finish. I take my gloved hand, grabbing his jaw so hard it automatically opens for me.
“You don’t like being able to speak?” I now have his tongue in my other hand. “Because I love performing minor surgeries. Ol’ Doc sometimes has to come and close up for me. I’m not the best at them, but I could take this worthless tongue of yours since you don’t seem to know how to use it properly.” He’s shaking his head back and forth manically. “That’s what I thought. Now, one more incident out of you, and I will harvest those nice organs of yours and send them to people all over the country in need.” I smile a wicked grin at him. Harvestingis my favorite thing I do now. “Maybe then you wouldn’t be soinefficace.”
When someone does something so vile, and there’s no repayment or coming back from it, I keep Dr. Brock and his favorite nurse, Haisley, on call to do the surgeries.It keeps really bad people out of society, if I do say so myself.He’s a retired general surgeon who loves his money, and I pay him well for his silence. I send out organs all over the country that would normally just go to waste.
Owning the port director over at the airport and a private jet, I do what’s needed to get things where they need to be. It’s the least I can do to keep my karma good enough to make it to my next life.
Noah, my hacker, forges the documents needed to find the people in need, and Haisley ensures these fucks don’t have any diseases or issues with the blood work.
I make sure I have hit all my normal spots with the brand: Back of each hand—letting that be the first thing people see—center of the chest, both calves, and right above the cock. That one always makes them piss themselves and also ensures he never touches another woman again. They see that and I’m sure they’ll run for the hills.
My phone dings with an alert from the facial recognition I had Noah install. I don’t know how he does it, but he hacked into the FBI’s database for facial recognition and put a couple of faces on my list soI’m notified anytime they’re picked up on any security camera in the world. It feeds my obsession with my Ragazza Dolce.
It’s her. I watch as she walks into my club arm in arm with my niece, Blair. I look up from my phone to see fuck face has passed out. No sleeping on my watch. I spit right on his face; he wakes with a startle. “Good morning, sunshine.” I have a sinister look on my face. I see him visibly shaking now. “It’s your lucky day.” I take the machete from the table beside me; he flinches, thinking I’m going to cut him, but in one swoop of the blade, I cut him down from the hook he was hanging from. Branding a squirming, dangling body is a lot harder than you might think. I love letting them think they might be able to get away, though.
“Remember…” I pause for the dramatic effect. “One more fuck up, and those organs are mine.” I wolf whistle to one of my guards standing outside the room. He comes in and grabs him, walking him out. He’s still completely naked.
Not my problem. Now, I’m going to see myRagazza Dolce.
1. Killing Strangers - Marilyn Manson
Chapter 7