Page 3 of Taking Over the Dark
He’s right, we have, but I never wanted it to come to this.
I watched the footage as two random men shoved needles into Ellie and Nash, drugging them with god knows what, and carrying them out of the club.
I’m the only one allowed to drug them.
They didn’t even bother to hide their faces either… making them dead men walking when we find out who the hell they are. Noah’s running facial recognition on them, but nothing has come of it yet.
Like they weren’t in my club, and that’s not both of my worlds in their arms. Every goddamn guard I had protecting the place had a snapped neck or their flesh hanging open, blood pouring out from a knife wound that ran ear to ear. Those were some of my best guards, too. So whoever these two are, they’re good.
“The Prifti’s hacker just sent us an email. It looks like the footage from the stadium… you need to watch this, Boss.” I don’t have the time to watch this footage. I want to hear it straight from the source.
Zamir Prifti.
“I’m pulling into the stadium now. I’ll get to the bottom of it. Keep looking for them, Noah,” I say through the car’s Bluetooth.
“Ten-four, Bossman. Vin watch his back. I don’t like this shit one bit.” I hit the end button with Noah’s parting words. Not really giving him the reassurance I’m sure he’s wanting.
We’re driving into the lower-level parking garage that most people don’t know exists, let alone have access to, and I ask Vin, “What do you think, Brother?”
“I need to talk to him or at least watch while you are. I don’t have a good feeling about this, but I don’t think it was necessarily Zamir that did it.” I let what Vin said sink in, but not for long.
Pushing in the clutch to shift into neutral, I pull the E-break before I turn the car off and begin patting my knife holsters to confirm they’re strapped into place. As I holster my gun in my underarm holster, I turn to make sure Vin is doing the same before we step out. “You strapped and ready to go? This could be the setup of a lifetime.”
* LET THE WORLD BURN (with G-Eazy & Ari Abdul) - Chris Grey, G-Eazy, Ari Abdul
Why the fuck is my head pounding the way it is? How much did I drink last night? Fuck!
?*All I can remember is dancing with Nash on the dance floor at Club Onyx, shaking ass like usual—the DJ is always playing bangers in there. But after that, everything is black.
My eyes feel so heavy that I know it would take every ounce of strength I have to peel them open. The thought of moving even one of my limbs feels like it would be equivalent of running a marathon.
“Ellie?” Nash. My sweet Big Boy. His voice sounds like he feels about as bad as I do. He must’ve gone equally as hard as me. I try to respond to him, but I can’t seem to get my mouth to move.
What the hell is going on?
All of this can not be from just alcohol… I’ve done psychedelics, and I’ve never felt this bad, even the morning after coming down off those wild nights.
I don’t know… the morning after Molly is pretty rough—focus bitch. This isn’t helping anything, and you always remember your trips.
I finally pry my eyes open. It’s dim in here. I figured the sun would be up, beating into the room. I’m not even sure which room I ended up falling asleep in. And now that I’m coming to, whatever I’m lying on is hard, cold… and wet. Sure as fuck, not one of their fancy mattresses.
What the fuck is going on?!
Nash sees the panic in my eyes and tries to comfort me. “Mi Amor, breathe. It’s okay. We’re both okay.”
My head rests on his shoulder, and although I know I’m barely moving, I feel as though I’m using all my might to shake my head back and forth. When I manage to bring my eyes towards the ceiling, and I see the hanging light, that’s when it hits me…
Where enclosed in something.
* 5:3666 - mgk, phem