Page 47 of Forever Found
“I knew there was a reason I kept you around all these years,” Eli teased from where he was trying to cram our melted cake into the over filled refrigerator. Eli had gone way overboard when he ordered groceries the day before.
“Screw you. Like you could ever get a better best bud than me!” Jordan threw back jokingly.
I left them to banter between them as I hurried upstairs, being careful not to touch anything as I went. A part of me deep inside settled at having Jordan close, and at the sound of the three of them laughing and joking, just as they all had before everything happened with Max. It was a piece of the normal I had found before that I desperately needed back.
“How’s she been after last night?” I asked Eli and Asher as soon as I heard the shower running above us. We were working to clean up the mess in the kitchen, Eli loading dishes into the dishwasher and Asher and I trying to clean down the counters, cabinets and everywhere else chocolate had been spread throughout the space.
“She’s been better today, but she’s barely eating, and she’s exhausted after what happened last night. That’s the first time since we arrived I’ve seen her truly relax and look happy. It’s definitely the first time she’s smiled that much,” Eli explained.
“I told her I’m going back to the house to talk with Kane and Adam. She’s worried I’ll beat their asses, but she agreed she needs to know what the fuck they’re playing at,” Ash added.
“I hope you didn’t make any promises about not kicking their asses. God knows I’ve come fucking close every damned day since you guys left,” I told them, my anger about the two assholes back home seeping out.
“Do you have any idea what their intentions are? Addy says they haven’t even tried to reach out to her for several days now. Are they finished with her?” Eli asked as he stopped what he was doing and turned to face me, crossing his arms over his chest. I knew that stance. I hadn’t seen it many times since Addy arrivedwith us, but it was the determined stance and look he got when he was worried about someone he cared for. I had the privilege of saying he’d done the same thing for me several times when we were younger, when we got into scraps in bars or when I lost my parents, then Adam and just crumbled. Eli had always been there for me, ready and willing to take care of me and protect me the same way I would him, without a single thought of hesitation.
“They’re both still worried about her. They ask me every day if I’ve spoken with her and how she is, but Kane’s still pissed with her for leaving him, and Adam…well, I don’t know. He blames himself for what happened, for you and Addy being taken and I think he’s likely telling himself he no longer deserves Addy in his life. If he is using that will just make everything ten times worse too.”
“How the fuck can Kane be pissed with her when he’s the one that pushed her to breaking point? It was his damned phone call and the shitty things he said to her that made her run,” Asher growled.
“That might have been the final straw, but Ad and I are to blame too. We all let her down,” I admitted.
“I need to talk with them. Addy’s in pieces and their bullshit is just making things worse.”
“Good luck with that, Ash. I’ve spoken with them. I’ve screamed at them. I’ve even punched them both in their fucking faces, We’ve argued and yelled until I’m blue in the face, but they can’t seem to get themselves together and I don’t know what else to do. It’s gotten to the point where I honestly think Addy might be better off without either of them,” I sighed.
“Leave it with me. Don’t say anything to Addy until I’ve been home and spoken with them both myself,” Asher requested and I nodded, relieved I’d be able to just forget about it all for a couple of days and instead just enjoy being with Addy, and taking care of her as I should always have been.
The next morning I woke all of a sudden, something not feeling right. I opened my eyes and looked around me, instantly realizing I was laid half on top of Jordan in my room at the cabin. When he’d offered to stay with me the night before as I exhaustedly headed up to bed, I had easily accepted, desperate to have him close for as long as I could.
We’d spent the afternoon together, snuggled up on the sofa, laid down and cuddling as we watched the eighties action movies I loved – which Jordan had brought with him for me. Asher had headed home in Jordans Jeep and Eli had set up in the kitchen with the art supplies and materials Jordan brought for him, so we were alone in our little bubble on the sofa, and it had been perfect. I’d been so exhausted from the events of the night before that I’d snoozed a lot, feeling safe and settled in Jordan’s arms, so we’d barely even spoken, but we didn’t need to. Just being together was enough.
Then we’d wound up in my bed together. I had been anxious about us taking that next step as Jordan pulled me into his arms – not scared. I’d never be scared of Jordan, but just nervous because it would be our first time. But Jordan had just kissed me and told me I needed to rest, then he’d held me tightly until I dozed off into a deep, peaceful sleep.
That was what didn’t feel right I realized as I snuggled back into Jordan’s chest and allowed myself to just breathe. I’d slept. I’dslept right through the night with no nightmares. It was the first time in weeks that had happened, and my body clearly didn’t quite understand what was going on when I awoke feeling calm and well rested.
I kissed Jordan’s bare chest softly as I pushed myself up enough onto my elbow to just lay and watch him sleep. He was laid with one arm wrapped around my back, and the other up beside his head, his hand cradling the back of his head, and he looked to be smiling just slightly as he breathed softly.
He was shirtless, the comforter pulled down low so it covered him to his waist. I took in the lines of the defined muscles that covered his shoulders and biceps. The muscles in his neck were visible too and his chest was hard beneath my hand as I stroked a hand whisper soft over it, not wanting to wake him.
His dark, almost golden skin was such a contrast to my own pale complexion, but it made him look every part the Greek god he was built just like.
I had no idea what he saw in me. Looking the way he did he could have his pick of any supermodel or movie star he wanted, but he’d chosen me. I knew I wasn’t hideous, but compared to most women I saw, I was plain. I didn’t have curves in the right places. I was skinny if anything, and I didn’t wear make up or spend hours fussing with my hair. Hell, I was still in desperate need of a damned haircut and I hadn’t even done a thing about it.
After everything that had happened to me, and the scars that covered my body as a result, the way my hair looked hadn’t really been much of a priority and I wasn’t sure it ever really would be. Sure, I made the effort to look presentable. I had some pride, after all, but things like make up and hair products had neverbeen an important part of my life, and now it would be even less so. There were so many more important things in life than how I looked and I knew it only too well.
Still, maybe it was time I made some effort to tidy myself up a little, especially if I was going to be with Jordan. I tried not to add Kane and Adam to that thought, but it was too hard to exclude them. They were handsome and sexy too, and if I were with them – with any of my three guys – maybe I should try to at least take care of the basics, like cutting my straggly dead ends from my hair every now and then. Maybe some lip gloss and mascara wouldn’t go amiss too. Even before I was taken and I enjoyed being invisible, I still bothered to use those two items of makeup.
“I could get used to waking up with you running your hands over my body, beautiful,” Jordan rasped as his eyes opened and met mine. He smiled widely, looking adorable still half asleep.
“Sorry,” I whispered as I tried to pull back, but Jordan caught my hand, pressing it under his against his chest to stop me pulling away. “I shouldn’t have…I just…you’re so perfect. I had to check it was all real.”
“I’m far from perfect, Addy,” he told me as he moved his other arm from under his head and used it to lift my chin until I was looking at him again. “But I am real and I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me now.”