Page 61 of Forever Found
“Shit!” Jordan whispered as he released me and moved closer to the door to listen. There was an utter of a voice and we all knew the men were inside now.
“What’s going on?” Asher asked and Eli dove for the phone, his voice carrying through the loud speaker.
“They’re in the house,” Eli whispered so low I wasn’t sure Ash would even hear him. “Don’t speak again until I give the all clear.”
“We have to move,” Jordan said as he grabbed my arm and pulled slightly. We tiptoed to the adjoining bathroom and Jordan pointed to the deep, claw foot tub, which I climbed into. “The gun is loaded and ready to go.” Jordan said as he handed it to me. “Get low and keep it aimed at the door. If anyone comes through it, you shoot them without hesitation.”
“What if it’s you guys…o-or the police?”
“You’ll know if it’s us or the police. We’ll call through the door before we open it. So will the cops. I need you to do this, Addy. I need you to stay safe for me,” he whispered as he leaned in and cupped the right side of my face.
“I need you and Eli to be safe too!” I hissed.
“I love you so fucking much,” he told me instead of answering me. He pressed a long, lingering kiss to my lips, then he got to his feet and started out of the small room.
“Jord!” I said as loud as I dare, and I was more relieved than I could say when he turned back to me. “I love you.” We shared a second, just taking in each other. Jordan smiled weakly. I knew he was as worried as me, and it was starting to show.
“Be right back, babe,” he told me with a wink, then he left the room, closing the door behind him.
The silence that descended around me after the slight snick of the bathroom door shutting was absolutely terrifying. I was shaking so hard I worried someone would hear it, so I tensed every muscle in my body and made my breaths as shallow as I possibly could, so scared, I wasn’t sure I was even breathing.
Tears continued to fill my eyes and I had to keep swiping at them, needing my vision clear in case I actually had to use the gun I was clutching way too hard in front of me, pointed right at the center of the doorway. I had no idea if I’d even be able to pull the trigger if it came to it, but I had to be ready. If one of those intruders got past my guys to me, I would have to take them out and leave the bathroom to try and help Jordan and Eli. That determination was the only thing forcing me to keep myself together as much as I was.
I don’t know how much time passed, but it felt like years, not minutes. The shaking in my body wouldn’t stop and my heart continued to race. Then the silence was pierced by two quiet ‘pop’ sounds. I didn’t know what it was, but right after that, all hell broke loose and there was banging and crashing. I could feel the floor beneath the tub moving with the force of what ever was going on right outside the bathroom door, and occasionally there would be grunts I knew were coming from Jordan and Eli, because I knew their voices well enough to recognize even that slight sound.
The shaking of my body grew worse and my sweaty hands were struggling to hold the gun steady. I wanted to burst out there and make sure Jordan and Eli were safe. I wanted it all to be over and for Jordan to just hold me. I wanted to cower and hide, terrified a stranger would open that door, and I would be forced to shoot them.
“ELI!” Jordan yelled so loud it took my breath away. A huge crash and the sound of glass breaking followed, then things seemed to go quieter. I listened as hard as I could, terrified what would happen next.Was Eli hurt? Why would Jordan yell like that? Was he dead? Oh God!I couldn’t breathe as the scenarios ran through my mind over and over again.Why was it so quiet?I debated if I should go out there, but all I could hear was Jordan telling me not to open the door until they came for me.But the fight had stopped and Eli and Jordan weren’t coming for me! Was that because they were too hurt to move? Had they been shot?
I couldn’t just sit there any longer, so I got to my feet very slowly and carefully, and stepped out of the tub one foot at a time, the whole time keeping the gun up and ready to fire. I couldn’t take the risk Jordan and Eli were laid somewhere, bleeding out. I had to find them.
I opened the door of the bathroom just enough for me to peek out, and I was surprised to find my room almost as I had left it, except the bed had been made to look like someone laid in it, pillows under the comforter. It was dark, so I couldn’t make out much, but near the door there was a smashed picture that had hung on the wall above. There was no sign of anyone, and around me was complete silence.
I moved cautiously, the rifle held out before me, the butt rested against my shoulder, the way I had seen people use it on television programs. As I made my way to the door I paused at my phone, still laid on the foot of the bed and I picked it up, taking the call off of speaker.
“Ash?” I whispered as I pressed it between my shoulder and cheek and placed both hands back on the gun.
“Addy? What happened?” Ash demanded.
“I…I don’t know. Everyone’s gone and it’s silent. Jordan made me hide,” I told him as quietly as I could, my eyes and the gun remaining fixed on the open bedroom door before me.
“Where are you now?”
“My bedroom. I w-was in the bathroom,” I answered, my words trembling no matter how I tried not to let them.
“Addy, go back to the bathroom and lock the door, right now,” Kane hissed urgently.
“Kane?” I squeaked.
“Adam’s here too. You’re on speaker,” Ash told me. I wanted to break down and talk to them both. I wanted to tell them I loved them and beg them to come and be there with me, but I didn’t have time for any of that. I had to find Eli and Jordan.
“Wh-where are the police?” I asked instead.
“They should be there by now,” Ash replied.
“They’re not. I have to find the others.”
“Addy, no. Kane’s right. Jord and Eli would want you to stay safe. Go back to the bathroom,” Asher snapped.