Page 87 of Forever Found
“No one knew I was here either. We both need to run, okay? Someone likely heard that shot, so the police will be here soon. We don’t have any time.”
“I sh-shot him,” she whimpered.
“He was a monster, Libby. He would have killed me, and I’m sure there were others before me. You did the right thing, okay?”
“The gun?”
“I have it. I’ll get rid of it. You leave now. Find somewhere to clean up and get rid of the clothes you have on. Don’t tell anyone about any of this, you hear me? You did the right thing and you are not going to be punished for it. You were never here, right?”
“I w-was never here,” she agreed with a tearful nod.
“He took my life and so many others, Libby. Don’t let him t-take yours too.” I told her as I pushed her purse into her arms and led her to the door. As I opened it I could hear distant sirens approaching. Libby and I shared one last, long, meaningful look between us. We didn’t know each other and we never would, but we had shared a harrowing and life changing event that neither of us would ever forget. We ran down the steps, me pulling the door of the house closed behind me. I lingered long enough to see Libby get into a red car and speed away, then I set off running.
I had no idea where I was going or what I needed to do. I was covered in blood, a murder weapon in my hand and running on adrenaline alone. Being back out in the world, the bright light blinding me and cars all around me, was terrifying after being hidden in the dark and depraved places I had spent the last two years trapped in.
I don’t know how long I was running, the gun still in my hand, but my panic was so great I never even realized I needed to get rid of the damned thing.
The sound of police sirens getting closer upped my fear and panic. The sun blinded me as I ran recklessly, in a desperate bid to cross the busy road ahead of me. A huge impact sent me flying into the air and I landed hard on my head, then everything went black.
I opened my eyes and sat up with a huge, loud breath in. It wasn’t enough and I found myself spluttering as I tried to just breathe. Panicked, I looked around me and realized I was home, in my room. It was still daylight outside the windows, but there was no sun, the sky dark with gray clouds.
I slid to the edge of the bed and sat there with my feet on the soft rug below, my head down in my hands as I tried to catch my breath.
Libby was running through my mind over and over again. She had saved me and she had killed her monster of a father to get me out. How had I forgotten her and all that she had done? How had that memory slipped so far away from me?
I got to my feet and went to the bathroom to rush through what I needed to do, straightening my wild hair into a ponytail and brushing my teeth, the monotonous task helping me to focus my mind and calm myself down. I needed to find Libby. I needed toknow she was doing alright after everything. Had she even told anyone what happened?
I practically ran from my room and down the stairs. I paused when I got halfway down and saw Jordan on the sofa, his laptop open before him. I knew he would be working. The center was due to open in just over a week and he had a ton to do, especially since he refused to leave the house and me, to go and check on progress in person.
“Jord!” I said way too loudly as I started leaping down the stairs again. He turned to glance at me, then shot to his feet and rushed my way.
“What’s wrong, Addy?” he asked, panicked.
“I…I need to use your computer…please. Can I?” I cried all at once. My breaths were short again from the exertion of running down the stairs.
“Just slow down. Take some deep breaths for me. You’re gonna pass out, princess,” he soothed as he reached up and palmed the side of my face gently.
“Sorry. I…I just I remembered something and I h-have to check something…someone. Please?”
“What’s going on?” Asher asked as he strode into the room from the kitchen, Adam right behind him.
“Addy remembered something. She wants to look it up on my computer, which she can…” Jordan said as he looked to me again with a sigh, “…when she’s caught her breath a little.”
“You had a flashback?” Adam asked as he walked around my brother and positioned himself behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist.
“A dream…o-or a nightmare, I suppose. It doesn’t matter. I remembered what happened and I have to check. There was a girl…Hilton’s kid. I have t-to know she’s alright,” I panted frantically.
“What did you remember, sweetheart?” Asher questioned.
“Hilton. How I escaped. I had help,” I told him more calmly.
“Okay. Sit down for a minute while I see if Kane can get over here. He’ll want to hear this too,” Ash said.
“But Libby…”
“Whoever you want to check on, Addy, Kane is the man to do it. He’ll find whatever you need to know,” Jordan told me and I nodded, knowing he was right.
“Okay,” I agreed as Adam led me to the sofa and sat down, pulling me onto his lap. Jordan ran off and returned a minute later with my favorite soda in his hand. He sat on my other side and opened the can for me, placing it in my still slightly trembling hand. I calmed as I sat there between the two of them, but my need to know about Libby and what had happened to her did not ebb at all. I wondered how old she was? Old enough to drive, but barely, was my guess. I had put so much on her young shoulders and I was frightened for her after the carnage she ran from.