Page 97 of Forever Found
“None of us are perfect, but maybe together, we can be enough,” Adam added, and I was smiling again.
“I like that. Who needs perfect anyway, right?”
“Right,” they all agreed in time with each other, which just made me laugh.
“Come on. Let’s make the most of you feeling good this morning and order some breakfast,” Kane suggested. He leaned over Jordan and kissed me quickly, then he was up and headed for the bathroom.
“You hungry, babe?” Jordan asked. He was toying with the ends of my hair, running it through his fingers, and I loved the sexy sleepy smile he looked at me with. If we were alone I have climbed on top of him and showed him just how much I liked him all sleep mussed, but the guys had all made it clear that they had no desire to see each other’s junk and I’d been good with that.
“A little,” I shrugged.
“Fuck. I can work with that. Let’s go and see what they have on the menu before she changes her mind,” Adam announced. I thought he was joking, but he shot to his feet, grabbed my hand, and started pulling me through to the small living area of the suite we had. It was just a small lounge area with a black, leather sofa and two armchairs all surrounding a shiny glass coffee table. Off to the side was a table with four chairs to eat at, and there was a bar off in the corner, all in polished chrome, the shelves stocked with liquor miniatures and a refrigerator below filled with soda and snacks. Glasses lined the mirror backed shelves and there was a shiny black marble bar top.
The hotel was definitely fancy and I was grateful for the luxuries, but it was the security I appreciated the most. Asher had hired out the whole top floor - all three penthouse suites. We were the only people who could access it from the elevator and we wereable to have our security guys out in the hall, outside the rooms. Asher had even arranged for none of the hotel staff to be allowed up on the floor unless we specifically requested something, so there would be no unknown housekeeping staff to worry about either, and anyone who did come on the floor would have to show ID to the security and would be escorted by the them to our rooms. It all made me feel safe and able to breathe again, at least for the time being.
Ash and Eli were in the suite right next door, and Jenny was in the one across from them, the security staff also using a room in her suite so they could switch out between them and get some sleep.
Adam ordered enough of the room service breakfast on offer, to feed a football team, but he said he was getting enough for everyone, so I didn’t argue too hard. I was working hard to hold onto the easy, care free feeling I had woken with. It felt good to smile again.
When I came out of the bedroom after showering and getting dressed, the food had arrived, and everyone was spread out in our suite eating. Adam, who must have showered in the other bedroom, which we weren’t using, was dressed too, his hair still damp. All three of my guys sat around the dining table, dressed casually and relaxed as they talked and laughed between bites from their over filled plates. They looked so different. For so long all I had seen on any of them was worry and stress, most of it caused by me. It was just a relief for us all to get a small reprieve.
“Good morning, shortcake,” Eli greeted and I turned to where he and Asher sat in the two armchairs, both of them with a plate in hand and coffee on the table before them.
“Morning.” I looked between he and Asher with a smile and the way they both seemed to relax and let out a breath, made me feel even better. They had been worried about me all night, no doubt. They had likely been scared to walk into the room for fear of the state they’d find me in. I was glad to be able to surprise them in a good way. “How did you sleep?” I asked them.
“Fine sweetheart,” Asher assured me. “Did you get some rest?”
“I did, and I feel good this morning,” I said brightly. “Did we order pancakes?” I asked as I turned round to Adam hopefully.
“Of course. Like I’d forget my girl’s favorite,” he laughed as he got to his feet and moved to the cart that sat in the middle of the room, laden with breakfast food. Adam bent down to the lower shelf and pulled out a plate covered with a shiny cloche.
“Fancy,” I laughed as Adam approached me and took my hand in his. He led me over to the table and pulled out the chair beside the one he’d just vacated. I sat down and smiled up at him as he made a performance of placing my plate before me.
“Your breakfast, madame,” he announced in a terrible accent, then he pulled the cloche away and I had a mountain of pancakes, just the way I liked them – covered in butter, syrup and chopped strawberries.
“Perfect,” I said as I reached up and grabbed him, pulled him down close and kissed him gently. “Thank you,” I whispered, then I let him go. He was smiling brightly as he retook his seat beside me.
As I started eating, suddenly way hungrier than I thought I’d be, Kane went to the bar, and returned with my favorite shiny silver can. He opened it for me and poured it into a glass, then handed it over.
“I’m being spoiled.” I blushed as I looked to Kane gratefully.
“As you should be,” Jordan told me.
I couldn’t take the contented smile from my face as I delved into my delicious breakfast. I was just happy, which was insane considering someone tried to shoot me the night before. But I had just been so grateful to wake up surrounded by the men I loved, and that we were all secure and safe. Then to see Asher and Eli relaxed and smiling too, and to just have the space for us all to just breathe – it was a perfect morning in the midst of utter chaos and I was holding onto it.
In the time I ate three pancakes, the rest of the room cleared every single scrap of food from the huge cart. When we were done all that remained were a mountain of empty plates and two pancakes I couldn’t fit in. It had been carnage and I found myself questioning, not for the first time, how many times Adam had to go to the grocery store to keep the kitchen stocked at home.
“Did you hear anything from the FBI?” I asked Asher as I moved to sit on the sofa beside Jenny. She’d been quiet all morning, but the swelling in her face had gone down and she seemed to be doing okay. I hoped Kane would find some time to talk to her. I knew she had to be feeling a little lost after the insanity of what happened the night before, then finding herself in a hotel in the city.
“Not yet, but I expect to soon. My contact assured me he’d update me as soon as he could,” Asher replied and I nodded. While I wanted to know who was trying to wipe me from the face of the planet, I was also quite happy to live in blissful ignorance for just a little longer.
“I did manage to find Libby for you, angel,” Kane said as he sat on the sofa beside me with his laptop in hand.
“You did? Is she okay?” I asked all at once.
“It seems so. After what happened she took some time off from classes, citing health reasons. I can’t find any evidence she went to therapy, or even a doctor, but three months later she went back to her classes and finished the year with great results.” Kane pulled up some documents, but I didn’t look them over too closely, just wanting him to tell me.