Page 58 of Baked
Another knock had her quietly crawling off the scratchy sheets.
“I know you’re in there, Rach. Open up.”
Rachel’s face must have looked just as puzzled as her head was. What on earth was Cat doing here, and how had she found her?
Taking the four steps to the dark wood door, she swung it open to reveal a very impatient-looking Cat.
Rachel didn’t bother with niceties. “How the hell did you find me?”
She was treated to an over-exaggerated eye roll. “Welcome to the twenty-first century, Rach, we have this thing now called Find My iPhone.”
Shit. I knew I shouldn’t have allowed Libby and Cat to mess around with my phone.
“So you came all the way to Clarke County to mock me?” Rachel’s hands landed on her cocked-out hips.
“Yep. I would have come sooner, but Libby told me to give you some time. So I did. I gave you a week. You about done with your breakdown now?”
Rachel puffed out a grumble and stomped back over to the bed. Cat, of course, followed her inside and took a seat next to her.
“Come on, Rach, you can’t hide forever. Also, what’s with the murder motel? You could have at least hidden out somewhere with a spa.”
Rachel threw herself back on the bed and let out the loudest sigh she could manage. “I’m not in the mood for your unique brand of sarcasm, Cat.”
“Who’s being sarcastic? It looks like a crime scene waiting to happen out there, and I gotta tell you ... it isn’t much better in here.” Rachel didn’t have a chance to object, because her friend wasn’t done. “So, do you want to talk about how you made a huge mistake dumping Hunter now ... or shall we go get some food first?”
Rachel lifted her head just far enough to shoot Cat daggers. “Seriously?”
“And you’re qualified to give me advice how, exactly? I remember not so long ago you dumped Cody via a letter, and then jumped on a plane to England.”
“True. But if anything, that makes me a bona fide expert on fixing major fuckups, seeing as we’re happily married now.”
Screw food first, she needed a drink. Which was exactly what she told her friend next. And unsurprisingly, she had no objections.
As bars go, this wasa nice one. No neon signs or scuffed-up surfaces. It was all mirrors, ambient lighting, and sleek metal tables. The plush armchair she was currently slumped in was also giving her piano bar vibes.
Like the Tipsy Cow back home, there were still some cowboys lurking in corners, but even they looked all shiny and new. Like they’d been given a good polish.
“Here, that’s your second. Which means it’s time to talk.” Cat placed another glass of whiskey Coke in front of her before sitting back down opposite.
Rachel’s time was up. She was about to be lectured. She took a big gulp of her drink, hoping for a little liquid courage. Or numbness. She’d take either.
“Okay, let’s get this over with then. Do your worst,” Rachel said, already feeling defeated.
“Why don’t we start with why you dumped Hunter? Do you not love him anymore? Has he been treating you badly? Or did you guys have a fight or something?”
She knew what her friend was doing. “Don’t patronize me, Cat. You damn well know the answers to all of those questions. We didn’t fight, he doesn’t treat me badly, and of course I love him.”
Cat threw innocent eyes her way. “I’m just trying to figure out why you dumped his arse, honey. That’s all.”
“I got him shot, Cat.” Rachel swallowed down the emotions bubbling in her throat. “He was fighting for his life because of me. Because no matter how far I run, my past just keeps coming back to haunt me. Don’t you understand? This is all my fault. I’m so ashamed. I can’t even look him in the eye right now, let alone be in a relationship with him.”
More drink. She needed another giant gulp of that whiskey Coke. Which was exactly what she did next as Cat narrowed those judgmental blue eyes on her.