Page 60 of Baked
“I told you, I have to do something.” Hunter sighed. “I can’t just sit around anymore and feel sorry for myself.”
Benny was next to put in his two cents as he took a break from decorating duty. “I think it’s cute. This is some Hallmark shit right here. Chicks totally dig this kinda thing.”
“They like getting ugly as fuck cupcakes?” Luke perched his butt against the wood counter opposite and crossed his ankles.
“It’s the thought that counts, brother,” Benny interjected before Hunter had a chance to tell his friend to fuck off.
“The thought being,I know you just broke up with me but, here, have some dodgy-looking cake,” Luke replied.
Hunter felt his head shake as he blew out a long breath. Maybe his friend was right. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.
Or maybe you shouldn’t have invited the ray of sunshine that is Luke over to help.
“Don’t listen to him, man,” Benny insisted. “He’s just pissed ’cause he’s not getting any, and he’s taking it out on innocent cupcakes.”
“Who said I’m not getting any?” Luke fired back, clearly offended by the accusation.
“That rat on your face, for a start.” Benny laughed.
Here we go. Hunter drowned out his friends bickering and focused on whisking. From experience, he knew there would be several more insults before they were ready to return to the task at hand.
It wasn’t long before his thoughts drifted back to Rachel. Not that they were ever very far from her. But baking was bound to bring back memories. Memories of her standing here in this very kitchen, making muffins and imparting baking wisdom on him. She enjoyed telling him that her secret ingredient was love. And he had no doubt about it.
Love was the one ingredient he had buckets of, which was darn lucky because he was seriously lacking in the culinary skills department. He just hoped a whole lot of love was enough to make these cupcakes edible.
He heard his phone ping then, bringing his attention back to his surroundings. Looking up from the bowl, the first thing he noticed was Luke and Benny were still going at it. At some point, flour had obviously been thrown and frosting was now not only on the cupcakes but in both of their hair.
Jesus Christ.
“Bunch of fucking children,” he mumbled under his breath as he pulled his phone from his back pocket.
Cat’s name appeared on his home screen.
Swiping open the message, he ignored the squeals coming from his friends.
Cat:Driving back tomorrow, should be there around 1.
He felt the blood rush to his ears. This had to work. There was no plan B.
Hunter:How’s she doing?
Cat:Not great. She saw her dad, and I get the impression it didn’t go so well. But don’t worry, I’m looking after her.
The fact Rachel went to see her dad was bad enough, but the thought of it not going well made his chest ache. He should have been there with her. To support her. And to make sure she didn’t let her father twist things in her head.
The only saving grace was that Cat was there. Looking out for her. Rachel’s friend may be hard on the outside, but he knew how soft she was on the inside. He saw it every day with the way she loved Cody and her now son, Dylan. And he knew how much she loved Rachel.
Hunter:Take good care of her.
Cat:Don’t worry, between me and the number of whiskey Cokes she has in her system, she’ll be dancing on tables in no time.
Hunter hoped she was joking. But with Cat, you never did know.
Hunter’s palms weresweating. This was it. His chance to fix things. His chance to show Rachel just how good they were together and convince her of what he already knew—that they were meant to be.
That was the reason he was standing there. In her apartment. In her kitchen. Like a creepy stalker.