Page 37 of Guarding Truth
“I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about this.”
Juliette’s heart broke at Ivy’s naivety. She sat down next to Ivy, sandwiching her between herself and Caleb. “Ivy, Agent McGregor informed us that Layna isn’t a student at your school. We think she might be part of Rushmore. She’s not to be trusted.”
“Maybe I can talk to her, then. Convince her to help us. I’m sure?—”
“Ivy.” Caleb’s voice held a mix of censure and compassion. “You need to stay away from Layna. She’s not your friend. She’s trying to hurt you.”
Tears brimmed Ivy’s eyes, but she nodded.
For the next two hours, Ivy answered all of the FBI agent’s questions about her discoveries on the laptop. By the end, Juliette was drained of every ounce of energy she possessed. She could only imagine how Caleb and Ivy felt.
The crowd of people in the apartment finally lessened as agents packed up the cell phone and laptops and left. Agent McGregor made his departure, and Noelle headed back to the Elite Guardians’ office to make preparations for security for the night.
Ivy headed to her bedroom to finish packing, and Juliette moved closer to Caleb on the couch. “It will be okay. Noelle and I will make sure you’re both protected.”
His eyes darkened. “We’ll all make sure someone is with her twenty-four seven. I’m just concerned that someone might figure out that Ivy can remember everything. These bad guys kidnapped Theo, which isn’t playing by hacker rules. They’re out for blood. My blood. And Ivy’s.”
She didn’t need to be reminded of how dire the circumstances were. “I’m calling in all the reinforcements I know. We’ll all do our best to make sure you are both safe.”
Something flashed across Caleb’s face—a mask Juliette hadn’t seen since their basic training days: a look of fierce protection. No one messed with Ivy and got away with it.
“Promise me,” he said, his voice barely a whisper. “Ivy is your client. Take care of her.”
Juliette grasped Caleb’s hand, and again he didn’t shrink back. “Caleb, you’re one of my best friends, and I’ve got your back no matter what. I’d lay down my life to protect Ivy. And you. You know I don’t back down from a fight, and I protect my people. I’m not going to let anything happen to either of you while I’m on duty.”
His grip tightened around hers. “What happened to us, Jules? I miss us. We used to be close, and then you left.”
“I know.” Her fingers tingled from his touch. “I’m so sorry, Caleb. I made a rash decision, and it was the wrong one. But maybe we can start over? Pick up where we left off?”
Would things ever be the same between them? Because unless Juliette could rein in her emotions, she wanted far more than a friendship with this man.
But did he feel the same gravitational pull, drawing them closer than a friendship?
* * *
THURSDAY, 12:45 A.M.
A thump shattered the silence, and Caleb jumped off Juliette’s couch, his gun in his hand, ready to face off with the source of the sound.
“It’s just me,” came a whisper from down the hall. Juliette turned on a lamp. “Sorry if I woke you. I thought I’d get some water and bumped into the end table. I didn’t want to turn on a light in case you were sleeping.”
He sank back on Juliette’s couch and stashed the gun in the drawer of the end table. Of course he’d been awake. His mind refused to quit.
“I was up. Just replaying everything on an endless loop.”
Juliette handed Caleb a glass of water and sat next to him, curling her feet up under herself.
“I love what you’ve done with this place, Jules. It suits you.” The soft light filtered through the living room complete with historical elements that Juliette used as accent pieces. His favorites were the Civil War–era banker’s desk and the antique typewriter that graced it.
Juliette snuggled into the plush sofa cushions. “I know. It’s a bit eclectic. I wanted to keep the historic charm of the house, but I needed some lighter colors and a modern flair. I kept a lot of my grandmother’s antique lamps and fixtures and made them into art pieces. Some of these things have been in my family for generations. I just couldn’t part with them. Even though I grew up in Atlanta, we visited Savannah every summer, and this place feels like home.”
Caleb sighed. “Do you think I’m overreacting to having Ivy involved in this investigation?”
“No, I think you’re playing it safe. And when it comes to Ivy, her security is all that matters.”
“I can’t let anything happen to her.” He looked at Juliette. Seeing her brought back a slew of memories he wasn’t prepared to deal with. But one thought screamed for his attention: he should have been there for Juliette, holding her hand during chemo. Why hadn’t she trusted him with this burden?
He needed an answer. “Hey, Jules? I’m so sorry you had to go through cancer treatment alone and I wasn’t there for you. But…why did you shut me out?”