Page 15 of Crown of Death
“Who does he think I am?” I ask, starting to feel frantic. “I look likewho?”
“Quiet,” Eli finally says, a little bark to hisvoice.
“I understand that doesn’t mean she’s anything but human, but I’m asking you to consider the fact that this man is hereguardingher,” our captor says. “That has to mean something. And considering it’s the House of Conrath? From what I hear, he and their leader have some…interestinghistory.”
Eli’s breathing growsheavier.
I look over at him. And Iconsider.
That’s what the man said Eli was tome.
Have I ever been more than just a few minutes away from Eli? Was it merely coincidence that he moved in just a few doors down? That he moved to Greendale as soon as I did? That he isalwaysaround?
“Eli?” I breathe. But I can’t bring myself to ask the question.Did you plant yourself in my life for a hiddenreason?
“Thank you,” the man says, sounding absolutelyrelieved.
Eli’s breathing is ragged. He leans forward, his fingers curling around the arms of the chair. His knuckles turnwhite.
“I said move back in with your parents,” he says. I’ve never heard his voice sound like that. So low. So utterly dangerous. “I should have taken immediate action. Now all these years may be fornothing.”
My heart beats as a dull thud in my chest. The rest of me is as numb and dead as the bodies on my table as I try to make sense of hiswords.
The man in the corner suddenly stands ramrod straight, every muscle in his body pulled tight. He presses the phone a little harder to his ear,listening.
“No,” Eli growls once more. “She is no one. She isnothingto the Court. Let hergo!”
The man is quiet for a beat longer. And then he slowly turns back toward us, his eyes locking straight onEli’s.
“He says to ask you how many years it has been since a measly Bitten beat him to killing Henry,” the man says. “Rath?”
And a purely animal roar bellows from Eli as he jerks forward. The bolts securing the chair to the concrete floor groan, threatening tosnap.
And now I know I don’t imagine it. For just a moment, there is a ripple of yellow that washes through Eli’seyes.
The man chuckles. “Oh, it’shim.”
He listens again, and the man’s eyes snap over to my face. “I’m certain. She has tobe.”
I can hardly breathe. Darkness flickers all around the edges of my vision. I’m breathing too fast. There’s too much panic and adrenaline surging through myveins.
I’m going to passout.
I’m going tofaint.
“I understand,” the man says. “We shall see you in twelvehours.”
Another unearthly roar rips fromEli.
The man ends the call, sliding the phone into his back pocket. Eli bellows and roars like a tied, starved lion, fighting against his bonds. I hear one of the boltssnap.
“This is about to get very, very interesting,” the man says. And from his pocket, he produces something. Before I can identify it, he jabs it into the side of Eli’s neck. He immediately slumpsstill.
A scream rips from my lungs and I try to lunge to him, only I just rattle mychains.