Page 63 of Crown of Death
“Ravishing doesn’t quite describe the way you look, Logan,” he says as he looks up at me from beneath hiseyelashes.
Thump, thump, thumpmy heart crashes against myribcage.
Suddenly, the sound of a string quartet fills the space, one long, drawn out note, rising to a cliff, approaching the dropoff.
Cyrus wraps his other hand around my waist and I draw in a quick breath at his nearness. He clasps my other hand, holding it up andout.
And with that mischievous, dubious smile, he leads me into thedance.
I am not a clumsy person. But I’ve certainly never been a dancer. Yet, with Cyrus leading me, we elegantly glide over the black marble floor, one sweeping step at atime.
“Does it feel real yet?” Cyrus whispers. “This life that awaitsyou?”
Everything from this weekend flashes through my mind. The wealth. The fangs. The blood. The brutality andstrength.
“I think I understand now,” I say. I can’t look away from his eyes. “It’s real. I still just don’t know what my place will be in it once this time isup.”
“That will become more clear once you Resurrect,” he says. His grip on me tightens just slightly. “I promise, you will find your place, LoganPierce.”
“And what if I am not what you hope when I wake up?” I say. A painful monster takes up residence in my chest at the implications. “Will you just walk away then? Once you have your answer, then am I just on my own and you’re done withme?”
He doesn’t immediately respond. He studies me, my face. My hair. His eyes drop to the space between us. His eyes slide closed and I hear him take in a deep breath. We slowly turn and he pulls me just slightly closer before looking back up and meeting myeyes.
“Will you not be so very eager for me to walk away and leave you to yourself?” he finallyasks.
And my feet still for amoment.
I stare into Cyrus’eyes.
He literally walked into my life with the intent to kill me. I’ve watched him do terrible, dangerous things. I’ve witnessed his temper and his wicked delight at the pain ofothers.
But I’ve seen that pain. I’ve witnessed that vulnerability andloneliness.
What I said to Amelia is true. He can take my acid. Mybitterness.
“I think now that my eyes are open, it will be difficult to go back,” is all that I can answer withhonestly.
He pauses for a beat. But then he pulls me closer, and leads me into the dance oncemore.
The song ends, leading into another, and now the House of Valdez joins in. It’s old. Choreographed. But by watching the others, by following Cyrus’ lead, I go through the motions and steps without looking like afool.
When it ends, Cyrus takes my hand and leads me toward the throne. I sit in the one beside him, turning my eyes out toward thecrowd.
“Why didn’t you tell me who you were right away?” I ask, watching Edmond dancing with a young woman with brilliant red hair. He twirls her and pulls her in close, smiling down ather.
“We made a unique bargain,” Cyrus says. He watches the crowd as well. “That I had to get to know you. I did not believe you would behave as genuinely if you knew just who Iwas.”
I shake my head. “I still don’t, really. You, being King. I think I have a fewquestions.”
He looks over, his eyes fixing on my lips. “Ask them, and I will do my best to answerthem.”
Nothing ever is a straight answer in the world ofvampires.
“Are you King over all of them?” I ask. “You told me there are…twenty-seven Houses around the world. The Royal and the Born. Are you King over themall?”
“Yes,” he says, still staring at mylips.
“That’s the entire world,” I breathe. “How have you commandedalltheirrespect?”