Page 74 of Crown of Death
When I walk out of work at five, I feel heavy.Tired.
So when I pull out my phone as I sit in my car, I actually appreciate the first text I seethere.
I thought you should continue to enjoy your day. I told Mina her services were no longerrequired.
I look up and around, and realize that Mina is, in fact, nowhere to beseen.
Cyrus is no longer requiring her to follow me at alltimes.
With a smile, one I really needed this evening, I open the othermessages.
You promised me a double with you and your new man. I’m calling it in today. No excuses. It’sFriday!
Another one from some point during the day:I know you must have your hands buried in a dead person, but you better not bag out on me! I mean it, the four ofus!
And the last message, from thirty minutes ago:Meet us at Lanes, seven o’clock, or I will disownyou!
I look at the time. If we’re going to make it, I need to hurry. I still need to shower andchange.
Fine!I quickly text her back.We’ll bethere.
I text Cyrus next.We’re going out tonight. Don’t forget, your name is Collin, and we’re madly inlove…
A moment later, the message shows as read, but he doesn’trespond.
I toss my phone into the passenger seat and put the car intodrive.
When I get home, it’s quiet. I walk upstairs and hear the sound of the shower shutting off in the room Cyrus has claimed. With a smile, I head into my own room and go straight for theshower.
I dry my hair and style it into loose curls. My hair is long now, hanging most of the way down my back. I put on olive green shorts, and a white top that flatters my figure. Casual but cute. I top it off with a gold necklace and whitesneakers.
I double check my reflection in the mirror, andsmile.
A girl just needs to feel cute every once in awhile.
Especially when her date, even if it’s fake, is with a true blueking.
For a moment, the thought overwhelmsme.
I’m a little in awe of myself. Of myaudacity.
I’ve bossed the King around. Spat nasty words in his direction. For part of that I didn’t really know who he was. But once I learned his true identity, I didn’t exactlystop…
I know I’m not going to change. I’ll still act the same. And I’m still going to smile. Because he takes myacid.
At six-thirty I step out of my room. Gently, I knock on Cyrus’ door, but there’s noresponse.
So, down the stairs I head, getting worried. It’s too silly. I can’t expect a man like Cyrus to play along. He’s powerful and worldwide, and I’m just a twenty-year-old, insignificantgirl.
But, as I descend the stairs, I see him standing there. He’s wearing a pair of well-fitting jeans and a white V-neck t-shirt that highlights his very nice features. And he holds a bouquet of vibrantly blue flowers. Small, trumpet-shaped. Absolutelybeautiful.
“I believe it has at times been customary to bring flowers to the woman you are madly in love with,” Cyrus says with a mischievous smile as I step onto levelground.