Page 76 of Crown of Death
“Really?” he says, quietly. “The first date I’ve gone on in centuries, and you make me wear shoes worn by hundreds of otherpeople?”
I chuckle, because I see the smile creeping onto his lips. “I know. It’s disgusting. But even though you wouldn’t guess it from looking at her, Amelia loves bowling. And her boyfriend is like, super good atit.”
Cyrus gives a mirthful little grimace, but follows me with the shoes toward ourlane.
“There’s my girl!” Amelia squeals as we walk up, hand-in-hand for show. She throws her arms around me, squeezing hard. “I can’t believe how much I’ve missed you and it’s only been aweek.”
“I missed you, too,” I laugh, hugging my best friend. “And don’t blame me, you’re the one who caused thisseparation.”
“Actually, I think I’m the one to blame.” Tanner pipes up frombehind.
“Yeah, you are,” Iaccuse.
Cyrus steps forward, extending a hand. “Hello, I’mCollin.”
“Tanner,” hesays.
And it just radiates off of Cyrus. The power. The time. The other worldliness. Because Tanner’s expression is unsure. Intimidated. But he shakes Cyrus’ hand, flashing a hesitantsmile.
“It’s a pleasure to meet more of Logan’s friends.” Cyrus looks back at me, and wraps an arm over my shoulders, hugging me intight.
Amelia squeals, her nose scrunching up as she smiles. “You two are just too damn cute, I just can’t stand it! About time you got a man, Logan, so we can do fun things like thistogether!”
I blush, but look up atCyrus.
And I could swear that was real admiration in his eyes as he looks down atme.
“Let’s do this!” Tanner declares loudly. “Collin, I hope you’re decent competition, because it’s always a slaughter with thesetwo.”
“Oh,” Cyrus muses. “I think I’ll be able to keepup.”
* * *
Isit downafter my turn, after really embarrassing myself only knocking down two pins. Cyrus stands, reaching for my hand. He lifts it, gently pressing his lips to my knuckles. I feel myself blush—apparently I can’t stop today—and he smiles as he steps up for histurn.
“Lo, this is incredible,” Amelia says quietly as she watches Cyrus prepare to roll the ball down the lane. Tanner watches him from the side, his arms crossed over his chest, sweat breaking out on his forehead. Cyrus is certainly keeping up. “You two are amazing together. He’s so…intense when he looks atyou.”
I smile, looking at Cyrus as he swings the ball. With perfect form, he sends it rolling down thelane.
“He’s really something extraordinary,” I say quietly. Though I didn’t mean to say it outloud.
Amelia sighs. “This is going to be it for you, Lo. I can feel it. I canseeit.”
I laugh, looking over at my friend. “Seeit?”
Amelia nods. “You’re glowing,” she says with a dramatic whisper. Because Cyrus turns, his fists raised in triumph. He’s just gotten another strike. He smiles, and I can’t help but smileback.
“The way you look at him,” Amelia says quietly, looking from Cyrus to me. “It’s obvious how in love you alreadyare.”
My eyes snap to Amelia’s, my brows narrowing. “What?” My throat is tight and the word comes out too high-pitched.
She rolls her eyes at me. “I know you’re inexperienced, but come on, Lo. Can’t you tell? You’re completely and totally head-over-heels in love withCollin.”
Her words send my heart into atailspin.
Racing. Thundering.Skipping.
Frantically, I look toward Cyrus, with his enhanced hearing. But he’s chatting happily with Tanner, who prepares for histurn.