Page 80 of Crown of Death
I don’t knock on the door, just let myself inside, and wonder how long it will be before I do it again. With Cyrus’ hand held firmly in mine, I stepinside.
The scent of pot roast is overwhelming. And warm rolls and stewingvegetables.
I swear my heart is going to beat right out of my chest as I cross the front living room. And then round the corner into the diningroom.
My grip on Cyrus’ hand tightens involuntarily, but I am comforted when he squeezesback.
Three pairs of eyes immediately slide toward us, and my blood goesstill.
“Logan,” Mom grins from ear to ear as she wipes her hands on a towel and rushes across the room to wrap her arms around me. She squeezes tight, and I hug her back with just one arm, because I realize I’m too terrified to let go of Cyrus’hand.
“Hi, Mom,” I breathe into her blonde hair. And I hug her long, not letting go for a few moments longer as she loosens her grip on me. Because I don’t know how long it might be until I see heragain.
“I’m so glad you came,” she says quietly. And I realize just how much stress I have put her under the last few weeks as I dodged herrequests.
I let her go and she backs up a step, taking Cyrusin.
“Mom, everyone,” I breathe. “This isCollin.”
King of the entire world ofvampires.
“It’s great to finally meet you,” Cyrus says, stepping forward and wrapping Mom in a gianthug.
I have to look away for a second. I swear, these aren’t tears trying to pool in myeyes.
“It’s lovely to finally meet you,” Mom glows as Cyrus releases her. There’s a look in her eyes, it’s the same one I see in nearly everyone’s eyes when they look at Cyrus. He holds a power over women with that face of his. “So glad you could come have dinner withus.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Cyrus says with a wide, charming smile. “And you must beEthan.”
He steps forward, extending a hand toward my dad. He wheels in from the kitchen. And my heart nearly stops when Dad puts the brakes on the chair, and with shaking limbs, stands on hisfeet.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Collin,” Dad says. But he’s certainly a dad. And he stares hard at Collin, as if chewing him out in his head,how dare he move his daughter in with him so soon aftermeeting.
“Collin,” I say, stepping in to defuse the moment before it can grow too threatening, “this is my brother,Eshan.”
He looks up from where he sits at the table on his phone. “Hey.” He just gives a nod of hishead.
“Eshan,” Cyrus breathes. “Meaning ruler. Tell me, are you a man of power at yourschool?”
My brother looks up at Cyrus with a classic teenage look. Without a word, he just looks back down at hisphone.
“You’ll have to forgive his rudeness,” Mom chides as she walks back into the kitchen. “We’re dealing with classic cases of teenage angst with the approach of junioryear.”
“Let me make a guess,” I say as I once more take Cyrus’ hand and guide him toward the dining table. “There’s a girl, and you know this is the year to make a move, and it’s stressing youout?”
Eshan looks up andglares.
“What’s her name?” I goadhim.
“Go easy, Logan,” Cyrus says as he pulls my chair out for me and slides it in. “A man is allowed to keep the desires of his heart close.” He sits beside me, looping an arm over the back of my chair. “Let me give you some advice,Eshan.”
And my brother actually looks at him. He’s doubtful, but not entirely closedoff.
“Make a woman feel like the most important part of your world, but never forget that she is still her own person,” Cyrus says with absolute confidence. “For if you hold her too close, she will only want toroam.”
“Some sage wisdom there,” Dad says as he wheels over, setting a pitcher of water on the table. “How old are you again,Collin?”
“Twenty-seven,” he lies withouthesitation.