Page 93 of Crown of Death
Rath—he’s been watching over me nearly my entire life. Because once Alivia Conrath realized my father was a Royal, she understood that one day, the King would indeed come to find me. So she sent Rath to watch overme.
Alivia and Cyrus have a dark, twistedrelationship.
I think I somewhatunderstand.
But the King… The man who took my acid… The man who killed a man to protectme…
Emotion instantly rips through me, and a sob escapes my lips before I can stop it. Tears well into my eyes and slide down myface.
I’ve fallen in love with Cyrus over the past month. I tried to fight it. Told myself it was insane and stupid considering how he came into my life; the way he took control overit.
But it happened. One intense gaze at a time. One charming encounter with those I care about it at a time. One act of heroism at atime.
Maybe I’m weak minded. Maybe I’m an embarrassment to all women. But it’s thetruth.
I fell hopelessly, soul-endingly in love with KingCyrus.
A man I can never keep unless I am someone I don’tremember.
Sobbing, I drive my way over to Amelia’s apartment. With trembling fingers, I texther.
Are youhome?
Just watching TV. What’sup?
Three seconds later, her head pops out of theirdoor.
I lose it the second I see her and with a panicked look, she darts into the passenger seat of mycar.
“Where is he?” she demands. “Point me in the right direction and I will slaughterhim.”
I cry harder and shake my head as I collapse into herarms.
“What is it, Lo?” Amelia asks, running her hand down the back of my hair. “Whathappened?”
“I wasn’t…” I sob. “I wasn’t supposed to love him. It wasn’t supposed to turnreal.”
“Real?” she questions, her hand stilling. “What is that supposed tomean?”
I shake my head again as tears stream down my face. “I knew who he was, right from the beginning. And I still fell in love withhim.”
“Duh, Lo,” Amelia chuckles. “It’s been pretty obvious for a while. You’re in deep. What’s so bad aboutthat?”
I shake my head, letting every emotion pour out of me. “Because there’s a good chance that in just a few days, our lives are going to permanently go separateways.”
I’m out of my mind. I realize I can’t answer all of her questions, that to her, none of this is going to makesense.
“Just because his work isn’t taking him to Austria anymore, doesn’t mean it has to end. Nothing bad has happened, has it?” sheasks.
I don’t know what to say. She doesn’t understand everything, she assumes wrongly. “No. The way things are going to go…it’s something that isn’t either of our faults. But it’s still going to wreckme.”
Amelia thinks for a moment, and slowly, she brushes her hand down my hair again. “Love wrecks us. And even if you do go your separate ways, it doesn’t mean that love ends. Maybe it’s just easier if you still love them, and be happy for what might come for them in the future. And tell yourself that when the time is right, that you’re allowed to be happyagain.”
Her words sink into my heart, and begin to calm my raging storm. I take a slow breath, and sit up. “Why do you get to be so smartandso damnpretty?”
She gives me a sad little smile. She reaches forward and wipes my tears with her thumb. “I don’t know exactly what’s going on. You’ve kind of been keeping me in the dark when it comes to your first time love life.” We both chuckle at that. “But I know when you love someone, you fight for them. Even if there’s a chance you might not win. You’re a fighter, Lo. So gofight.”