Page 95 of Crown of Death
Satisfied that the repairman is nothing but that, I turn and head up thestairs.
Somewhere in this house is Cyrus. Being stubborn and arrogant. Demanding he can take care ofhimself.
Ugh. That stupid man makes my heart twist intoknots.
I turn down the hall, about to head for my bedroom, when a slight squeak draws my eye to the closet across the hall from Cyrus’bedroom.
Fight or flight. My nerves kick into highgear.
I look around, searching for anything to use as a weapon. I settle for a candlestick on the table in the hall. It’s heavy, solidmetal.
I press myself flat against the wall when the door swings open, this time without making asound.
My instincts gowild.
A tiny form of a shadow emerges from thecloset.
Just then, the door to Cyrus’ bedroom swings open and Cyrus takes half a step out. “Logan, is thatyou?”
I started diving the second I saw the door opening. A sprint. A giantleap.
Because I saw that handswing.
I saw the sharp tip of astake.
Amelia’s words rip through my head as I jump.Maybe it’s just easier if you still love them, and be happy for what might come for them in thefuture.
I don’t even get to look at his face. I just jump, wildly swinging thecandlestick.
I hit them hard in the neck with athump.
But the tip of the stake buries itself into mychest.
With a scream, I collide to the floor, my eyes fixated on the face of a man. Dark blonde hair. A longer, unkempt beard. And his eyes glow red withhatred.
A roar echoes throughout the entire house. An injured lion out for blood. A demon from anotherworld.
The breath catches in my throat. I try to suck in air, but the feeling is allwrong.
Blood warms mychest.
The man is tackled to the floor instantly and Cyrus is a wild, rabid animal. Shedding. Ripping. Teethflashing.
The attacker gets one muffled scream before it’s cut off with a gurgledblub.
Feet pound on the stairs and down thehallway.
Faces swarm, but all I can feel ispain.
My hands trembling, I search for thestake.
It’s buried in my chest, on the right side. Angled inward from the fleshy part where my arm and chestmeet.
I can’tbreathe.
I can’t get anyair.