Page 37 of Born Reckless
Roman is just as powerful as any other council member sitting at this table.
"What about hospitalizations?" Mason asks as his eyes slide over to Sebastian. "Anything we need to be concerned about?"
Sebastian's eyes float over the map. When they stop in one area, I wonder if this is where his hospital is located. "There were two females that staggered into the emergency room. Both with puncture wounds in their necks. The blood levels were low, but not near low enough to be a concern for being turned. I don't know who was so careless, but yes, Evelyn had to step in."
"Evelyn is particularly gifted," Sigrid speaks up. "Though technically my charge, she works under the employment of Dr. Vincent."
"Doesn't do anyone here any good if bite victims remember that it wasn't an animal who attacked them," Sebastian says as he looks up at me from beneath dark lashes.
"Are you telling me that you have someone who lives in the city who can alter memories?" I ask. They're the first words I've spoken in a while, and they come out slightly hoarse sounding.
"That's exactly what I'm saying, darling," Sebastian purrs. And there's something about the way he saysdarling. It doesn't come out sounding condescending. It doesn't come out sounding like a pet name. It comes out as… velvet.
As I look back over at Sigrid, it starts to make sense. "You're a witch. There are witches in Chicago. Not just vampires."
Everyone smiles at that, looking very entertained.
"Witch is such an archaic term," Sigrid says. "No one under my charge in this city would call themselves that. There are simply those who possess certain gifts. Those who are gifted are vetted and interrogated just as much as any vampire who wishes to live in the city. We all work together to keep Chicago a safe place."
So this is Sigrid's charge. She holds responsibility for every "gifted" person who roams the streets.
“Anything else?” Elena questions, moving on like more perspective-changing information hasn’t just been shared.
“Does everyone still have their assignments on schedule for the gala?” Sigrid asks.
When will it end? The surprises, the words that leave me guessing. Will it ever stop, or is my new life one long slew of confusion now?
“Yes,” Elena answers. “I have the caterers lined up. The decorators have their deposit. The invitations have been sent.”
“Wait, gala?” I ask. “As in, like, a vampire ball?”
A smile pulls on Sebastian’s beautiful face. “Once a year, the Night Council hosts a gala. Every supernatural resident in good standing in Chicago is invited. Takes up this entire building.”
“We need to go shopping soon,” Elena says, and finally, she offers me a smile. “The gala is in four weeks.”
“I can’t wait to see what you wear, Miss Doe,” Sebastian offers. And a coy, slick smile pulls on his face.
I wait for it, but it doesn’t come.
Under any other circumstance, Elena would bite his head off for saying something like this to me.
But she doesn’t want me looking in Mason’s direction. Maybe she’s happy to have anyone who is not him come and try to sweep me off my feet.
Instantly, my stomach is full of acidic ice.
Roman makes this little noise. Of disgust. Of annoyance. I look over and see him actually roll his eyes. Just a little bit.
“I have all of my assignments lined up,” Sebastian says as he looks over at Sigrid, ignoring the awkwardness he created.
“I have things ready,” Roman says. “If there is nothing else, I have some streets to get back to.”
“I’m finished” Elena says. Her tone is hard again, and we’re right back to it.
Every one of them stands and gathers their things. The moment Sigrid’s hands leave the table, the map disappears.
“I hope you’ll save a dance for me, Miss Doe,” Dr. Vincent says as his gaze comes back to me. He offers a smile, and I swear, his fangs are slightly elongated.
“Let’s go,” Mason says. I glance over to find his expression dark as he looks at Sebastian. Something in me warms at the idea that maybe he’s feeling just a little bit possessive.