Page 41 of Born Reckless
He’ll be fine. I would like to get a number though. Maybe Dr. Vincent could tell me exactly. At what point do we need to worry about taking too much blood? Not killing them, but them turning into a Bitten?
I let the man go, and he collapses to the ground. His eyes are hazy. I don't know that he will remember this or not.
It's dangerous living in Chicago. With such a concentrated population of vampires, it isn’t particularly safe here to be human, not when every one of them looks like a walking snack.
No wonder Chicago's crime rates are so high. I realize now that it's not just humans killing humans. There are more than just a few vampires who take their share of victims.
It's then that I realize how important Sebastian's job is. And I realize how valuable someone like this Evelyn must be. Someone who can change a human’s memory.
“Hey, sweetheart,” I hear someone call to me from behind. “Looking for a little extra cash tonight?”
I look over my shoulder, my brow furrowed in annoyed anger.
I let that anger take control for a second, and I feel my eyes ignite red.
“Holy—” the man stutters in fear. He turns and runs the other way.
With a satisfied smirk, and my thirst somewhat stated, I head back to the Godfrey Tower.
"I'm taking you somewhere,"Mason says. It's nearing nine o'clock at night and he's just finishing work for the day. It's been just as busy of a day as any other day has been. We haven't even eaten anything yet.
"Care to disclose where?" I ask. My tone is teasing, but I'm genuinely curious.
"Across the city," he says as he arches an eyebrow at me. "Just… just trust me, okay?"
Trust. Not one of my strong suits. But I swallow my fear and I simply nod. The two of us go to the elevator and ride it down to the ground floor. Outside, there is a limo waiting for us.
The Godfreys literally don't go anywhere unless it is in the backseat of a limo.
"I'm taking you to meet someone," Mason says as the car pulls forward. "His name is Malcolm Talos, but most call him The Historian."
At Mason’s last words, a wash of goosebumps flashes over my arms.
"He's been in the city for the last fifteen years," Mason continues. Sitting beside me, where our thighs touch, he traces a finger up the front of my leg. It's an absent-minded move, a gesture of familiarity. And it makes me smile. "He Sigrid's on-again off-again lover."
"And he has his own special abilities, I assume?" I ask.
Mason's blue eyes rise to meet mine. He nods. "He's called The Historian because with a single touch, he can read your history. And it's not just a simple reading. He can communicate these… pictures of your past."
The world gets a little colder.
"No one should have to walk through this world having no idea who they really are," Mason says. His voice is low but tender. The look in his eyes is soft, and everything in them replaces the fear in me with appreciation. He's trying to help. "Malcolm can give you your answers, Juliet."
"What if I don't like those answers?" I ask. I try not to let my voice shake, but I'm not entirely successful.
"At least you'll know," Mason says. He slides his fingers through mine. "At least you won't have to wonder for the rest of your life. It's a long life ahead of you."
The limo pulls into an older part of the city. The buildings are smaller, the vast majority of them built out of brick. The area isn't as nice, though I've been in more sketchy parts of other cities. And finally, we stop in front of the building with a sign above the door that saysChicago Medium. The place looks like a joke. It's painted dramatically and all purple and black. In the window, I see a display of crystals and rings and necklaces that look like you could get them in any gift shop on Bourbon Street.
"This guy is for real?" I ask. The doubt isn’t hidden in my voice.
Mason nods. "He has to blend in, but this is how he makes his living. Obviously, most people think it's a sham, but Malcolm is the real deal."
My throat feels dry. My heart is hammering just a little too hard.
I've had questions about my past my entire life. Now there is the possibility that I might have answers in just a few minutes? I'm definitely not prepared for this.
But Mason climbs out of the limo and extends a hand to me. I take it and let him help me out of the car.