Page 50 of Born Wicked
I see Jon’s reflection in the window. His expression is haunted. It’s dark. His eyes echo the horror of what he lived through.
“The members of the House of Emile ripped Louis’ fingers from his hands, one by one. They fed each of his toes to wild dogs. And then they gathered the last four remaining Bitten he’d created. They made Louis command those Bitten to eat him.”
Mason curses, and my stomach rolls.
A vampire can only be killed by beheading or being pierced through the heart. That man was slowly eaten alive, one bite at a time by his own horrific creations. And it wouldn’t kill him.
“You don’t understand the savagery the Royals are capable of,” Jon says as he looks over his shoulder at Mason. “If the House of Allaway got word of you creating Bitten, they could punish you however they see fit, and I can assure you, Charles and Chelsea Allaway are absolutely depraved in their own ways. Chelsea killed her own mother so the two of them could take control, and she never shed a single tear for the woman.”
Jon turns around once more and folds his arms over his chest. “The House of Emile finally got tired of Louis’ endless screams. Enora ripped his head clean from his shoulders and put it on display at the banquet table at a celebration that night. After they disposed of his remaining Bitten.”
My entire body feels cold. My skin is crawling. My scalp tingles, and there’s a hint of fear in the back of my throat.
“Don’t you ever lose control like that again,” Jon says darkly as he looks at Mason with an even darker expression. “Nothing will put Chicago in more danger than their creation.”
I stand there stunned, completely wordless as Jon turns and walks back to the entryway, and then wordlessly slams the door closed behind him.
My eyes slide back over to meet Mason’s. He stares at me, trembling.
I feel like I’ve dealt with a lot of insanity since I became a vampire.
But I have no idea.
It’s been child’s play. It’s been emotional drama and a madman who wasn’t even a vampire. It was being hunted by a singular vampire with a vendetta.
I’ve never seen war.
I’ve never had Royalty command I be eaten alive.
I’ve never stood in the King’s castle and watched as he slit three women’s throats, hoping they’d be his Resurrected queen.
I’ve been a vampire for ten months.
I’m no one. I’ve had an easy ride. I’m an infant.
“Let’s get this cleaned up,” I say through a thick throat.
With stiff, awkward movements, Mason stands to help me take care of the body.
Alone in the dark,I walk back to the hospital. I’m sure Mason is too scared shitless to ever screw up like that again. Patrick is back on duty, access to the penthouse restored, and this time, I’m sure he’ll do a better job of babysitting, no distractions or quick runs.
But I have more work to do.
It’s icy outside. The midnight air is nearing sub-zero temperatures. But I don’t feel the cold.
I feel numb as I walk past dark buildings and empty alleyways. Do I really have a very narrowed view of what the vampire world is like? Do I truly just not understand?
We have plenty of drama here in Chicago. No doubt about that.
But Mason and Elena called this city a safe haven for our kind. I can’t say it’s felt particularly safe since I came to be a resident, but maybe it is compared to everywhere else?
What would it be like, worrying about the Royals constantly, having to keep yourself in check, so you don’t bring down their wrath? Or worse, this King I’ve been hearing about.
Here in Chicago, I don’t feel like I have to answer to anyone.
But maybe that’s privilege speaking. I’m a council member. And when I wasn’t an official council member, I was tied to others. But there are hundreds of others in the city who aren’t leaders. And they do indeed answer to the council.