Page 24 of The Scientist
“It must be hard for them to work together,” I mused. “Having to see your ex all day, every day… Sounds more than a little complicated.”
It definitely gave new meaning to the term “close working relationship.” I don’t think I could pull that off with any of my exes. Well, maybe I could if I came prepared with a muzzle and an oversized stress ball featuring their face.
“He seems fine. But like we told you, he’s a workaholic with one train of thought. Not much will distract him in the lab.”
Since Stuart was clearly in the mood to gossip, I figured now was as good a time as any to ask the question that had been plaguing my mind for days. “Stuart, can I ask you something?”
“Shoot,” he said, shoveling pad Thai in his mouth.
“Does Lex not like me?”
His brows furrowed. “Why would you say that?”
I shrugged. “Just a vibe I get sometimes. Like he really doesn’t want me around.”
He smiled to himself and continued eating more of his dinner. “That’s not it. Trust me,” he finally said.
“How do you know?”
“I just do,” he replied matter-of-factly. “I promise your presence doesn’t bother him.”
I really had my doubts about that, despite how confident Stuart seemed to be.
Lex came back inside a few minutes later looking extremely irritated as he sat down, not looking up at either one of us as he began eating.
“This food is delicious,” I said, testing out the waters and trying to gauge Lex’s mood. “Probably the best Thai I’ve ever had. How’d you guys find this place?”
“Well, once we heard we were getting the grant, we asked to move into the housing units early. They agreed, so we’ve been here a couple of months already. We’ve scoped out pretty much all the great food spots,” Stuart said. “Actually, if you’re free this weekend, we could show you around town so you could get acquainted as well.”
That was a really nice offer. “I’d love to, but I really need to find a car before next week. I was going to go look tomorrow.”
“Well, we can take you. Right, Lex?”
“I need to go into the lab this weekend.” He still hadn’t looked up from his plate.
I made eyes at Stuart as if to say,“See? I told you so.” He motioned at me with his free hand, making a face like“I got this.”
“Yeah, no problem. Peter has a car, Hadley. We can ask him to take us. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”
“No,” Lex said, finally looking up. “I’ll take you.”
Stuart grinned. “Schedule suddenly clear up there, buddy?”
“No, I just realized I can finish the work next week,” he said, getting up from the table and bringing his dishes into the kitchen.
Stuart folded his arms across his chest and gave me a smug“what’d I tell you”look. I shrugged, not convinced that this guy didn’t hate my guts.
“It’s settled then. Ten a.m. tomorrow?”
“Sure,” I agreed, wondering if this was going to be as awkward as it sounded.
Chapter 7
The next day at 10 a.m. on the dot, there was a knock at my door. I was expecting to see Stuart when I pulled it open, but it was only Lex standing there, hands stuffed in his pockets.
“Ready?” he asked. No smile. No hello.
“Yes,” I said, looking around behind him. “Where’s Stuart?”