Page 76 of The Scientist
Sarah and I were dancing and laughing together until our stomachs hurt as we watched it all unfold. The alcohol made everything seem a million times funnier than it really was. I couldalmostforget about what had happened earlier with Lex.
When the band started to play a slow song, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Merrick, holding out his hand to me.
“I’m a terrible dancer, but I’m willing to risk it all for you,” he said, smiling. I scrutinized him for a moment, wondering about his motivations before I finally relented. One dance couldn’t hurt, right? I sighed before placing my hand in his. Sarah winked at me as she walked off the dance floor.
“Is this even allowed?” I asked. “Will you get in trouble?”
“I don’t think there are any rules about dancing in the bartender code of ethics,” he teased. “Besides, I’m on my break.”
He pulled me in close, putting one hand around my waist and holding the other out by our chests. I could feel the warmth ofhis body pressed against mine. It felt like a betrayal even though logically I knew the only person I was betraying was myself. I may be unattached, but my feelings definitely were not. I didn’t want to give him the wrong impression, so I tried to put some distance between us.
“Are you having fun?” he asked close to my ear.
“Yes,” I answered truthfully.
“I was watching you out there. It looked like you were having a good time. It was nice seeing you smile like that. Lex is a fool to miss it.”
“I’m sure he’s fine.” I regretted letting him see that I was jealous earlier. I could already feel he was going to try and zero in on it.
“It was that coworker of his, wasn’t it? The one with the pink hair?”
That shocked the hell out of me. How did he know it was Nicky? I pulled back to look him in the face. “Do you know her?”
“I’ve met her a few times when I’ve been over hanging out with them. She always seemed to be dropping by. I didn’t know if something was going on between them.”
I shrugged, pretending like I didn’t know and didn’t care.
“They say he’s a genius, but I’m not so sure. No man in his right mind would prefer any other woman over you.”
“I don’t really care,” I said. He laughed, obviously not believing me.
He pulled me in even closer. “A little piece of advice?”
“If you must.” I was ready for this damn song to be over.
“Don’t waste your time. Nothing is more important to him than his job… or should I say no one.”
Before I could respond, I felt someone wrap their hands around my right arm, tugging at it clumsily. I turned to see Stuart, his eyes glazed over from the alcohol but still determined.
“What the fuck, man?” Merrick scowled at Stuart.
“What are you doing?” I asked as he continued trying to pull me away.
“I’m s‘posed to be takin’ carof you t’night,” he slurred.
“I’m fine,” I told him.
“You o’viously drunker thn I thought if yur dancin’ with dis asshole.”
“I think it’s you who’s shitfaced.” I was watching him now using my arm to keep himself upright.
“Yeah, man. I think you should head on home now, Stuey,” Merrick said.
“Stuey will kick your ass!” He balled his fists up in front of his face, the move causing him to start tipping over.
“Okay, okay. I think you’re done.” I grabbed Stuart and held him up, looking around for Dan and Peter. I spotted them talking to a few girls in the corner of the room.
I put Stuart’s arm over my shoulder and turned to Merrick. “I've got to go. Thanks for the dance.”