Page 7 of Tastes of Him
“The couch isn’t exactly the most comfortable unless you’re already half-dead on your feet.”
“Exactly why you shouldn’t be sleeping on it when you still have to work,” I pointed out. “I’m sure I can endure it for a week.”
Rod shook his head but started the car. “I’m not arguing with you. You’re sleeping in my bed.”
Those words didn’t have the effect that he was probably going for. The thought of being in Rod’s bed was a delicious type of torture, but I stayed firm. “You’re sleeping in your own bed.”
“Fine,” he huffed out. “We’ll both sleep in my bed.”
Oh, fuck.That was not the direction I thought he would go in. “Or you and Cam could bunk up, and Julie and I—”
“Not a chance,” Cameran spoke up from the back seat. “No one is sleeping beside Julie but me.”
I turned and looked back at her with a glare. “Possessive much?”
She grinned widely, teeth gleaming. “And?”
My snort was loud, but I turned back around. There was no point in challenging her when it came to Julie. The girl was deceptively sweet, making people overlook the fact that she was ruthless when pushed. “Ugh, fine. But if you start snoring, I will kick you onto the floor, your bed or not.”
Rod paused before he responded, “I don’t snore.”
Cameran’s laughter was loud, and I didn’t fight the smile that stretched my lips. As much as I hated having gotten on a plane in the first place, I couldn’t deny that I had missed this. The easy camaraderie. Being an only child meant I never had this, and the few cousins I could actually stand for longer than a few minutes at a time still never felt this comfortable.
“Spoken like someone who snores,” I teased, unable to help myself. Rod’s pout was adorable, but I pushed back against the bloom of fondness in my chest and turned to look out the window. I had to get my head in the game; otherwise, I knew I would do something unacceptable like kiss the pout from his ridiculously handsome face. Somehow, he had grown more attractive in the years he had been gone, and I did not need to deal with that while I was already still in my feelings from the flight.
The skies were gray, but inside the car was nothing but warmth. Listening to Cameran gush about things and Rod’s calm but amused replies took me back to a time when this was my every day.Would it really be like that again?It was a question I couldn’t answer on my own. It certainly seemed like this was how things would be once Rod returned, but somehow, I found myself wanting something different. Somethingmore.
A phone rang, and I winced when the sound broke through the calm hum of conversation. Rod apologized before pressing a button on his steering wheel. “Hey, Kevin.”
“Hey, Roddie! What are you up to?”
“Just leaving the airport. What’s going on?”
“The guys were going to meet for dinner and then head over toCasey’s. You should come and bring your friends.”
Rod turned to glance at me. “You up for being social tonight?”
Not really.I shrugged and nodded. “Sure.”
“You sure? We don’t have to.” Rod lifted a hand off the steering wheel and set it on my knee. The warmth of his touch seeped into my skin even through the fabric of my jeans, and I fought back a shiver. “If you guys want to just relax at the apartment and order in tonight, we can do that. I’m sure you’re probably tired.”
Thankfully, Cameran spoke up from the back seat. My brain was still offline, and the only words I could think of were ‘warm’ and ‘more.’I really need to get laid if one little touch has me thinking about sex.It had been longer than usual since I’d had someone in my bed, and clearly, I was long overdue.
“No, we can. It’ll be good to see your friends again.”
“That’s my girl,” Kevin said, making me bristle inside at his words. I already didn’t like him and his overly familiar attitude. “We’re meeting atDino’saround seven. I’ll call in the reservation for us.”
“Sounds good,” Rod replied before disconnecting the call. He squeezed my knee gently before moving his hand back to the steering wheel, and I had to fight down my desire to grab his hand and put it right the fuck back. “That gives us a few hours to settle in before we need to head out.”
I nodded and turned back to look at the scenery as we rode by. I saw Rod glance over occasionally, but I didn’t turn back. Truthfully, I didn’t want to do anything other than lose myself in the feelings of home that this reunion had brought, but I knew if I asked him to cancel dinner with his friends, Rod would in a heartbeat. He would then spend all evening fretting over why, and I didn’t need to deal with his puppy dog eyes and concern. So, I would put on my big boy pants and be nice.
One dinner couldn’t be so bad.
I was in hell.
This was literally hell on earth, and I was ready to fall into my own pit just to get some peace and fucking quiet.