Page 113 of Just One Moment
Iplace the sweet treat in front of him and then stand there, awkwardly.
“Didyou need something else?” he asks.
“CanIsit?I’mgonna sit.”I’malready pulling out a chair.It’snow or never. “Ihope this isn’t inappropriate of me, butIknow you’ve mentioned about cutting down on the number of properties you manage.Maybeeven selling…Iwondered…”
Ithink back to the last couple of months withGraham.Howwe both unknowingly brought out the bestin each other and said good riddance to the toxic ghosts of our past.
He’shelped me let go of those old insecuritiesIstill carried from my mom’s abuse.Iwas so sureIhad to do everything alone, thatIwas holding myself back.ButIdon’t.Ihave an amazing group of friends who wouldn’t bat an eye at helping me out.It’snot cheating.It’snot laziness.
Whichis why today,I’mfinally askingMr.Willisif he’ll consider selling the building to me.
Myshoulders drop from where they’re hunched up to my ears andIstraighten. “WhatI’mtrying to ask is, if there’s a time when you decide to sell this property, maybe you’ll consider selling it to me.I’vebeen preapproved for a mortgage, butI’msure if we spoke to the ba—”Heraises a hand, halting me.
“Ihad considered it.”Hisface is unreadable. “Iknow the interest rates aren’t kind at the moment, andIwouldn’t feel right putting you in a position like that.”
Disappointmentseeps into my limbs, weighing them down, butIhold steady, not wanting to show my reaction when he tells me no.Iget it,I’ma young, new business owner.
“Itotally understand.Thankyou for at least listening to me.”Ismile and go to stand, but he continues.
“Howabout a rent-to-own agreement?”
I’mfrozen, standing halfway out of my chair in shock.
Ihad to have misheard him.
“I’msorry, can you repeat that?”
“Please, sit back down.”Hegestures to my chair, andIcollapse into it. “Ipaid for this place in cash almost thirty years ago.I’vehad no problem making a return.Asmuch asIlove being your landlord, leasing out commercial properties is draining, and at my age,Idon’t have it in me.Thinkabout it, and if you’re interested,I’llhave my attorney draw something up.Yourrent would stay the same and a percentage of it would go toward the purchase price.”
Iknow for a fact thatI’mpaying well below whatIshould, and his generosity has allowed me to put some money aside for a deposit.I’mnot close to having whatIneed, butIthought showingMr.WillisI’mprepared would make me look responsible and someone he’d be happy to sell to.
Idid not expect this.
Andit’s a good deal.Sogood.Monthlymortgage paymentswould stretch me thin, but this would help my revenue stay in the green.
“Iam…well,I’ma little shocked.”Ilaugh nervously. “Ithought you’d turn me down.”
“IknowI’ma grumpy old man, but you’ve been kind to me.Alot of people in town stopped trying with me a long time ago…”There’sa sadness to his tone. “Idon’t need a response today.Speakto that smart boy of yours.Youknow whereIam.”
“Iwill.Thankyou.”Ibite back my grin so hard, my cheeks ache.
Chuckling, he wraps the scone in a napkin before standing. “Havea good day,Quinn.”Hetips his head, pulls out a ten-dollar bill, and leaves me standing in the middle of the bakery, speechless for once.
“Onemore,honey.Giveme one more.”Ipant into the softness ofQuinn’sinner thigh, before biting down.Herbreathy gasps and the pull she has on my hair have been driving me crazy for the last forty minutes.Myhips thrust into the mattress whenIdive back into her soaked pussy, thighs bracketing my ears perfectly. “Letme feel you come apart on my tongue again andI’llgive you yourChristmaspresent.”
“Ican’t.It’stoo much,” she cries, yet the way her walls quiver around my finger says otherwise.
“Youcan.You’redoing so well.”Myvoice is calm despite the ravenous need to be inside of her.
“Ohgod,Graham,” she shouts asIpinch her clit. “Onlyfor you.Dothat thingIlove.I’mso close.”