Page 32 of Just One Moment

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Page 32 of Just One Moment

“Cool, so basically your entire family.Areyou telling your mom?”

Myeyes clamp shut with a groan. “IpromisedBoothIwouldn’t.It’sa long story, but if you’re not okay with that,Iunderstand.Speakingof my mom, she’s having family dinner thisThursday…”Igrimace, but she seems to fill in the blanks.

“I’dlove to come for dinner.TellherI’llbake a cake.”Quinnvisibly gets excited as she straightens in her seat with brighteyes.Curlygrowls at the disturbance but when he sees it’s her, he nuzzles in closer.

Leaningover,Iscratch the top of his head. “He’sreally taken to you.”Whichmakes two of us.

“He’sa cutie pie.Didyou andJennaget him together?”There’sa bite to her tone when she says my ex’s name.

“No, after we broke up.Hewas found abandoned in the county over; no tags or anyone looking for him.Iwas watchingLottieoneSaturday, and after a brief conversation about puppies, we found ourselves driving to the shelter to adopt him.”

Sheshakes her head, smiling. “Thatlittle girl is going to rule the world.I’mboth scared and impressed with her ability to influence people.”

Chuckling,Inod my head. “Yeah, she’s a force to be reckoned with.”

Sheopens her mouth to speak, but it’s replaced with a yawn, telling me that the evening is coming to an end.Ijust have one thing to say first.

“Iwant to look over your books for free.Afull analysis and report.”

“Graham, no,Ican’t le?—”

Myhand drops to her ankle, stopping her. “Youwill let me do it.Youprobably don’t realize it, but you helping me is so much more than showingJennaI’mover her.Youstaying here isn’t a favorIneed you to repay, or anything to do with this arrangement.I’mhappy to give you somewhere to stay for however long you need.You’reJo’sfriend, and she’ll have my balls for this, but she told me how much you were there for her when she returned to town.Shewants to help the only way she knows how.SoforJo, let me help you.”

Asmuch asIlove seeing her determined streak,Ireally hope she doesn’t fight me on this.

Shefiddles with the hem of herT-shirt, chewing on her lipbefore mumbling, “Onlyif you’re sure.Idon’t want to pull you away from your other clients or business with the restaurant.Justthe bare minimum.Iguess the rest we can figure out along the way.”Herhand drops to where mine is still enclosed around her ankle and there’s a softness to her voice now. “Iknow this isn’t what we had planned, butIappreciate you andI’mglad we can help each other out.”

I’mso tempted to squeeze her hand, but instead,Ioffer her a smile. “Metoo.”

Breakingour connection, she stands, reaching toward the ceiling, and giving me her back.Idivert my gaze when the movement stretches her pants across her delectable ass.

Wecollect the plates and load them in the dishwasher; such a simple task made less mundane where she’s involved.Iwalk her to her room, immediately shaking my head at how ridiculous the notion is.She’snot going to get lost from the kitchen to her bed.

“I’lllet you get some sleep.I’macross the hall if you need me.”Thesecond she opens the door,Curlytrots in like he owns the place. “Hey, no, come here.”Isnap my fingers, but the little shit ignores me and hops up onto the bed.

“LookslikeIhave a sleeping buddy tonight.”Shelaughs as he snuggles into her pillow.

“Luckyhim,”Igrumble under my breath.

I’mso distracted by my traitorous dog, thatIdon’t have time to prepare for what comes next.Quinnshuffles closer, balances on the tips of her toes, and places the softest of kisses against the scruff on my jaw.Heatblooms from where her lips touched me, spreading quickly across my body like a forest fire.

“I’lllook after your wiener,” the little minx teases, mischief flaring in her eyes.

Witha soft smile, she pads into the room and shuts the door behind her just asIwhisper, “Goodnight, honey.”

Afterthat whisper of a kiss,Iknow sleep isn’t going to find me anytime soon.

Isettle behind my desk, pull out the worn journal, and let my thoughts spill out onto the pages, feeling the weight lift with each doubt and worry.Only, today there are a lot more happy and funny moments to document.

There’sso muchIwishI’dasked her.Eitherway, it was one of the best eveningsI’vehad in a long time.

JustlikeIthought,Iburn through almost seven pages in my journal, filling them with my thoughts about today’s antics.Iread them back, surprised at how cheerful the last few paragraphs are.

There’sno going back now.Ican be mad atBoothallIwant, butI’mthe one who invited her into my home.I’ma sadistic motherfucker, clearly.

Ihaven’t got the first clue of how to date a woman likeQuinn, let alone fake it.Wouldshe want to go out to dinner at my family’s restaurant?IthinkI’dreally like to see her there, sitting across from me, wearing something pretty.

MaybeIshould get her a stool to reach the top shelves in my kitchen?Ilike helping her.

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