Page 47 of Just One Moment
Goneis the gentleman.
Agasp escapes me when he thrusts his hips forward, and the very hard, thick length of him presses into me.
WhenGraham’slips leave mine,Imewl—fuckingmewl.Anotherdesperate sound purrs from my throat when he starts trailing hot kisses down my neck while grinding himself into me.Mylegs hitch over his hips, drawing him closer, andIreally wish his shorts and my jeans weren’t in the way.
“Ohgod,Graham,”Imoan, when he sucks at the skin behind my ear, causing me to wiggle my hips in search of the frictionI’mdesperate and aching for.
“Fuck.Youtaste like a dream come true.”Helicks my pulse point. “Howcan you feel so fucking right in my arms?”
“Idon’t know,”Ibreathe out.Myhands drift down his sides,fumbling to find the hem of hisT-shirt, eager to feel the heat of his skin against mine. “Pleasedon’t stop.”
“WhywouldIstop when you feel like you were made for me?Nothinghas ever felt more perfect,” he pants against my skin. “Tellme,Quinn.Whatdoes this mean?”
Whatdoes this mean?
Livingtogether has tested my willpower, and sure, we’re attracted to each other.Orat leastI’mattracted to him.Thiscan’t go further than those feelings or disrupt the plan we have laid out though.Ifwe catch feelings and things go south, this whole agreement would have been for nothing.
Ican’t let him down.
“It’sjust p-practice,”Istutter, the lie tasting bitter on my tongue.
Hefreezes, going rigid beneath my hands.Hishead is buried in my neck, soIcan’t see his face, butIhear and feel his heavy breathing.
Thesound of his name pulls him from whatever stupor he was in.He’sno longer draped over me but standing at his full height.Lipsswollen, cheeks so beautifully flushed, with a bested look that shatters me.
Hescrubs a hand across his mouth, wincing when he clenches his eyes shut before letting out a heavy exhale.
“I’mso sorry,Quinn.”
Ishoot to my feet. “What, why?”
“Thatwasn’t…Ishouldn’t have done that.”Hecan’t even look at me.
Hischin is tucked in tight to his chest, hands shoved in the pockets of his shorts, and shoulders hunched up to his ears.I’veseenGrahamget embarrassed before, but it’s usually in an endearing, bashful kind of way.
Helooks utterly humiliated right now, andIwant to scream at myself for causing this.
“Ikissed you,Graham.It’sme who should be apologizing.Idon’t want to take advantage of all you’ve done for me.”Igo to take a step forward but think better. “Weagreed that was only for public.”
“Therewasn’t anyone to watch the show,” he grits out.
Thenhe’s turning away and striding to the front door.
Theslam that follows his hurried exit makes me jump from where my feet have been glued to the floor, the sound echoing in my ears long after his escape.
Thatkiss was unexpected, but his words, spoken with such conviction as his hot breath coasted across my skin, they were what shocked me the most.IfIknow one thing aboutGraham, it’s that he doesn’t say anything without meaning it.
AndasIglance around the home he’s tried to make me feel welcome in,Iknow thatI’vegone and fucked it all up.
Theswinging doorwhacks me in the back asIstand in the doorway of the kitchen.
Theheat in here is an intense contrast to the chillyOctoberair.Thesmell of roasted garlic and melted butter fills my nostrils.