Page 49 of Just One Moment
“Ifthere was any chance of her feeling the same, would you fight it or run with it?Youcan go on exactly as you are, doing things together as friends, but if the opportunity arises where you feel something more could happen, why waste it?Itcould turn out that the reward is greater than the risk.Andyou, my brother, deserve a hell of a lot.”
Ilook at him in confusion.Mostlybecause that’s the most he’s ever said without cracking a joke.
“Christ,” he groans. “Ithought you were the smart one.Patrickis the levelheaded brother.WeknowI’mthe best look—ooof.”
“Iget it,”Isnap, pulling my fist back from his stomach.
Thelittle shit laughs. “Treatthis as a test drive.ShowQuinnwhat a great guy you are—what it would be like to be your girlfriend without the official label.Atthe end of it, she’ll realize she wants the real deal.I’mtired of seeing you hide yourself away because of one woman.Andhey, if you get a little smoochy-smoochy, you’re both winning.”Hewaggles his eyebrows.
“You’rean idiot.”
“Butyou love me.”Heclaps me on the back.
CouldIdo this until the wedding?Pretendto date her, with the end goal to make it real?Isthere even the tiniest possibility she could return the feelingsI’vehad sinceIfirst met her?
Ilike the way she makes me feel—wanted, needed, and valued.Theexact wayIwant her to feel with me.
WhenIunpacked her boxes,Idid it to make her feel comfortable in her temporary home.Thelook on her gorgeous face when she found all her things scattered around my apartment was oneIwishI’dtaken a picture of soIcould cherish it.
Shedeserves to feel cherished.
Boothdoesn’t need my reply to knowI’mconsidering it.
Westand at the same time. “Youran out of there faster than a greased pig, didn’t you?”
Withanother swift punch to his gut and a murmured, “Thanks,”Ileave the restaurant.Imake one stop on the way home, and with an apology in hand,Iwalk back into the apartment, armed to handle whateverQuinnhas to say.
Only, she isn’t alone.
SheandJoare snuggled up on the sofa, the purple blanketIwas so close to layingQuinnout on draped across their legs, both with a steaming cup in their hands.They’reso engrossed in whatever they’re looking at onJo’sphone that they don’t hear me come in.Beforethey spot me,Ibolt intoQuinn’sroom, whereIfindCurlysnoozing on her pillow, andIlay the bouquet of yellow tulips next to the snoring hound.
Maybetoday’s bouquet will be her favorite.
Idecide not to intrude on their girl time just yet, wanting to give her some space, soIhop into the shower and rinse away the sweat from my run and, sadly, the scent of her from my skin.OnceI’vechanged into a plain whiteT-shirt and gray sweats,Imake my way into the living room.
Standinga few feet behind them,Ilisten as they gossip about all the different customers they’ve served this week, but pause whenIclear my throat, and their heads snap toward me. “Hi.”
“Hey,Gray,”Jogreets.Ihear her, but my eyes are on the woman beside her.Thesmile on her lips looks subdued, nothing like the excited and wanton one she was wearing earlier.
“Havinga girls’ night?”ItoldQuinnshe could have whoever she wanted over, andImeant it.
“No, but we do need one soon.”Joturns toQuinn. “Icame around to plan out our itinerary for next week.”
Withmy back to them,Igrab a water from the fridge. “What’snext week?”
“I’mtakingQuinnout toAcadia.Youremember the year we found that hidden trail?”
Theplastic bottle crinkles under my grip.Myheart drops. “Yeah,Iknow the one.”Iknow it, because it’s whereIwanted to takeQuinnto see the changing leaves.Ihad the perfect day planned.
“Whenare you heading up there?”Sittingin the armchair across from them,Ikeep my face void of emotion, not wanting to show my irritation.It’snotJo’sfault she’s being a massive cockblock.
“Wednesday.Dexwas driving through the park on the weekend, and he said the trees had all changed.”Sheturns toQuinnagain. “Ican’t wait to see your face when we get there.”
Yeah, you and me both.
Iremind myself thatIlikeJo, and my brother loves her.
“Anywho,”Josings and stands from her seat. “Ibetter get going, we’reLottie-free tonight and might head toShirley’sfor a drink.Doyou two want to join us?”