Page 51 of Just One Moment
I’ma very sunshiny person,Iknow that.
Withgreat power comes great responsibilities.Overthe years,I’vefound people expect a lot from us overly positive characters; always smiling, seeing the bright side of things,blah blah blah.Thebiggest one of them all, though: don’t show any other emotion.
Peoplelose their shit when an innately happy person is sad or angry.Theylook to others when the ship is sinking.
SowhenJocalled me this morning—sounding like she’s been smoking cigars her whole life—to tell me she couldn’t make it this afternoon because of a sudden bout of tonsillitis,Iwas bummed.Shecouldn’t see the disappointment swarm my features, thoughIworried she could hear my crestfallen tone.Itcouldn’t be helped, plus,Icould have sworn she told me her tonsils were removed when she was fourteen.
I’vebeen looking forward to our outing, and it sucks we had to cancel last minute, butI’vekept myself distracted by experimenting with some new flavors.Somepeople eat their feelings, well,Ibake them.Igo fullDr.Frankensteinwith my recipes.I’vejust finished frosting some peanut butter and bacon cupcakes, when my roomie walks in.
Grahamis a naturally guarded guy; carefully selecting his words and silently absorbing his surroundings.Ienjoy studying him as he takes it all in, wondering what it looks like from his perspective.Higherup, probably.
AtfirstIwas sure he’d find the decor of the bakery ridiculous, but when he was showing me a mind-bogglingExcelformula yesterday, he told me a lot of people around town—including himself—find the bright wallpaper and decorations inviting.
Hisgaze passes over the room, scanning the two tables of customers, and when they land on me, something sparks in his eyes.Ishudder—shudder—from his innocent glance, as his eyes scan over me slowly from head to toe.Ifa look could strip me bare, his would do it.
Ifreaked out a little after our kiss.Hatingboth the idea of being rejected and him being embarrassed.Thesexual tension and rapidly growing feelingsIhave for him have to be pushed to the side.Ifit got messy,Iwouldn’t feel right living in his home and having him help me out, andI’msure he wouldn’t want me as his date at his ex’s wedding.
Myheart sank when he agreed we needed to keep things friendly, butIknew it was for the best.Whatshocked me, however, was his sudden boldness.AtfirstIwas sureI’dmisheard him.Whenwe kiss again.Notif.When.Nothingin his tone or expression gave anything away, but the air between us crackled when he looked me dead in the eyes and said that statement like a promise.
“Hey, you.”Islide another tray of muffins into the oven, and slam the door shut with my hip asIgreet him with a smile. “Howwas work?”
Heducks his head, hiding that subtle smile. “Itwas good.I’mactually all done for the day.”
“Ohnice, what are you gonna do with your afternoon?”
Grahamhesitates, his large frame shifting from left to right.Iwait.He’snot being rude, andI’vestarted to catch on that if you rush him, he gets more flustered.Whilehe gathers his thoughts,Ihappily stare at his handsome face.
He’salways so put together.Beardneatly trimmed, hair styled back with just the right amount of product.I’dlove to muss it up and see him look a littlelessput together.
“Ithought maybe you’d like to go on a walk.”Hisgaze meets mine now.
“Yeah, you know”—he marches on the spot, arms swinging—“a way to move from pointAto pointB.”
“Allright, wise guy.”Igiggle and lightly shove him in the stomach asIround the counter, and suddenly remember what it’s like to have my breasts crushed up against his firm body.Ibet he looks glorious naked, andIknow for a fact he is pack?—
“So…” he drawls, dragging my thoughts out of the gutter. “Wouldyou like to come with me?IheardJowasn’t feeling well, andIknow you were looking forward to it.”
“Sorry, what?”Mycheeks heat knowingImissed whatever he said becauseIwas thinking about his…you know.
Hisdeep chuckle warms them further. “Tosee the leaves change.I’dlike to take you, if you’ll let me.”
Withouthesitating,Istomp my feet and squeal in excitement. “Iwould love to!”
There’sa different spark in his eyes now, and it stokes a small fire in my chestI’mcertain isn’t going to extinguish anytime soon.
“Ooh,ooh!Didyou see those ones?”ItapGraham’sarm incessantly, too busy pressing my nose up against the passenger window to see if he’s looking.
We’vebeen driving throughAcadiaNationalParkfor thirty minutes.Everycurve and bend gives us a new view, each one better than the last.Apparentlywe haven’t gotten to the good spot yet, whichIfind hard to believe.It’sas if the sunset has kissed all the leaves in the forest and blessed them with an ethereal glow.
“I’mseeing what you’re seeing.”Grahamchuckles from behind the wheel.
AfterIclosed the bakery,Imet him at the apartment where we changed into our hiking gear.Ihad to hold back my whimper of appreciation when he walked out of his room in a pair of hiking pants that hugged his ass like their life depended on it.Grahamhas a bubble butt; oneIcouldn’t stop checking out as he loaded up hisJeep.Tight, high, and with the perfect curve.