Page 53 of Just One Moment
“Itisn’t.Theboardwalks are allDex.LikeIsaid, it’s ours now, and whenDexgets a project in his head, there’s no stopping him.Hedid run it past the park staff first and they were more than happy to accept the free labor.”
“I’mgonna need to ask him to build me a house.”
“He’dprobably say yes.”
Thereare patches of pale green moss along the boards, and the farther in we trek, the thicker the auburn foliage.Graham’stouch hasn’t left my back, probably becauseI’mtoo busy admiring the view around us to check whereI’mwalking, butIrevel in the feel of his large hand splayed against my spine.Deeperand deeper we walk; every step more bewitching than the last.We’rejust about to veer left on the trail whenGrahambrings us to a halt.
“Whyare we stopping?”
“Iwant it to be a surprise,” he says shyly.There’ssomething like excitement flickering across his features as he pulls out a maroon beanie and fits it over my head.
“Ugh,Idon’t suit hats.”
Hebops me on the nose. “Yousuit anything.Butthis helps with the grand reveal.”
“What’sthe grand reveal?”
“Ican’t tell you that.Itdefeats the purpose of it being a surprise.”
“Well, lead the way then, oh wise one.”Hetugs the hat down over my eyes andIhold out my hand to him.Aftera few beats, he doesn’t take it, soIpeel up the edge of the beanie to find him staring down at my open palm in indecision. “You’renot going to hold my hand?WhatifItrip?”
Hiseyes dart up, and he clears his throat before weaving his fingers through mine. “I’llnever let you fall,Quinn.”
Raysof sunshine filter through the wool asGrahamleads us down the path, the warmth of his skin is calming alongside the zing of excitement that builds with each step we take.Thesudden gust of wind startles me at first, andIpresume we’ve walked into an open space.Theground beneath my feet changes from creaking wood to something smooth.Itake in a deep breath, and crisp air sends a zap of energy running through my veins.
Eventuallywe stop and the left side of my body tingles asGrahamsteps closer.Withour hands still intertwined, he leans down, his breath tickling my ear as he whispers, “Areyou ready?”
Isqueeze his hand and nod eagerly.Hepeels the hat off my head, butIkeep my eyes clamped shut.
“Openyour eyes, honey.”
Slowly,Iopen them.Thelow sun blinds me at first, but when my vision clears,I’mat a loss for words at what’s revealed.
We’reno longer surrounded by imposing trees; we’re high above them, like we’re floating.Theview before me is endless.Infinite.Vastland stretches out in front us from where we’re standing at a rounded cliff edge.Wemust be one hundred feet up, giving us the perfect 360-degree view of the treetops below.Anabundance of colors greets me whereverIturn, and it would be silly for me to describe them simply as reds, oranges,yellows, and purples.Noleaf or branch looks the same.Thefierce winds sweep over the tops of the forest, creating a fiery tidal wave.
“Graham.”Iclutch his hand harder. “Haveyou ever seen anything like this?”
“Never.”Hisdeep voice ripples through the air.
Iturn toward him and find him entranced, like he’s as completely enraptured asIam.Only, he isn’t looking at the view.
He’slooking at me.
Iexpect him to glance away but he surprises me when he holds my gaze, steady and sure.
Heswallows deeply. “I’venever seen anything so beautiful in my life.Inall my years of seeing this view, it’s never looked like this.”
ThosefeelingsI’mtrying my hardest to push down are attempting to break loose.Howcan we draw lines and set boundaries when he stares at me likeI’msomething special?Andwhy wouldIwant to?Inthe few weeks we’ve spent together, no one has ever treated me the way he does.Heclaims he’s just being nice, shrugs it off as nothing, when in fact, it means everything.
I’venever needed materialistic things or money.Havingbeen raised in a household where words were spiteful and used to inflict pain, actions have always held the highest value.
AndGrahammakes me feel rich.
Neitherof us look away; the view momentarily forgotten.Likewe’ve been doing it for years, he tucks me underneath his arm, andIrest my head against his chest. “Thankyou for the boots and for bringing me here.”
“Doyou like it?”
Isense him looking at me, butI’vebeen held captive by the view again. “Ilove it.Canwe stay forever?”