Page 55 of Just One Moment
AsIrest my head on his shoulder,Ilike to imagine that even without it, our lives still would have crossed, and that we would have found ourselves on this path regardless.
Andsomething tells me this is only the start of our journey together.
Thenoiseof little paws skating around on the other side of the door is quickly becoming one of my favorite welcome home sounds.
Myhome is due to be ripped apart.Thisis just temporary,Iremind myself.Nomatter how homeyGraham’sapartment feels.
“Ihear you, buddy,”Grahamcalls as he pulls out his keys.
Alittle rocket of shiny, brown fur zooms around our feet the moment we walk in.
“Oh, hello, sweet boy.Didyou miss us?Yes, you did,”Icoo.Asusual,Grahamrolls his eyes at the baby talkIuse forCurly.Hedoesn’t know thatI’vecaught him on a number of occasions speaking to him in the exact same way when sneaking him treats.
“I’mgonna jump in the shower.Didyou want anything to eat?” he asks as he unties his boots.
“No,I’mgood.I’mpretty beat, soIthinkI’lltake a shower after you and go to bed.”
“Yougo first then.I’mgonna check some emails.”
Aftera long, steamy, everything shower,I’mdressed in my pajamas and walking back out into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.I’vejust turned the corner when a pair of strong hands catches me by the shoulders beforeIcollide with a wall of muscle.
“Oops, sorry.”
“We’vegot to stop meeting like this,”Grahamjokes.
Ichuckle, and whenIlook up, his short hair appears more brown than blond from his shower.
Myeyes are no longer on his hair though.
Grahamis shirtless.
Pecs.Alot of pecs.Well, just two, and there they are.Ateye level.
Iknew he wasn’t scrawny, butIwas unaware how built he is.Thick, defined muscles run across his arms, chest, ribs, and stomach.Thehair decorating his chest and taut stomach matches the darker shade of his beard; and adds to his masculinity.Apair of athletic shorts hang low on his hips, andIfollow the path of a water droplet until it disappears into the elastic band.
Wouldit be inappropriate to lick him?
“Yes, what?” he asks.
Great.Ijust answered my internal ramblings aloud.Grahamhas hypnotized me with his body and that horniness dilemma from last week is now back in full force.
“Oh, nothing.Justthinking out loud.”Aboutrunning my tongue over your abs.
“Well,I’mgonna head to bed.Doyou need anything?”
“No, wait, yes!Tothank you,”Ihurry out and catch hold of his wrist before he steps away. “Fortoday.Itwas…Graham, itreally was amazing.Thankyou for sharing it with me and for stepping in whenJopretended to be sick.”