Page 60 of Just One Moment
“Graham,”Icry as the tip of his tongue strokes against the sensitive bud. “Ohgod, that—that feels…Yeah,Ilike that.”
Heincreases his efforts at my confirmation.Drawingsounds and sensations from meIdidn’t know existed.
Hiseyes haven’t left my face once.Myhands shoot to mytender breasts, kneading and pulling at my nipples through the thin cotton of my tank, and he tracks every movement.Oneof his hands leaves my thigh and it inches toward the hem of my top to slowly reveal my stomach.I’mjolted from my pleasure for a second, soIgrab his hand and pull it up to rest on my breast.Leavingmy shirt in place.Hedoesn’t seem to mind, happy to pinch and toy with my nipple in rhythm with his tongue.
It’sbeen mere minutes, butIcan already feel my orgasm building.
Oneof my hands falls to the top of his head, twisting and pulling at his sandy hair.Igasp in surprise when a thick finger enters me slowly.Thefullness of it paired with his hot mouth has me biting down hard on my lip.
Histongue slows before stopping. “Don’thide those beautiful sounds from me.They’remine tonight.Iwant to hear you.”
WhenIchirp my approval, he continues to work his finger into me. “Christ, you’re so tight.Youfeel so good.Ican’t wait until it’s my cock you’re taking.Doyou want that?Doyou want my cock?”
Idon’t know if he sees my eager nodding, becauseI’mtoo busy staring up at the ceiling with wide eyes, chest heaving, and core clenching as he plays me like his favorite instrument.
There’scaution to his dirty words, but my reply only spurs him on.
“Iwant it so much.”Hisfinger brushes a spot inside me that has me crying out, stars blinding my vision. “Yes, right there.There, more.More,Graham.”
“Soakmy face, honey.Iwant to taste you for days.”Thedemanding words paired with his skillful mouth and fingers build, and build, and build untilI’mno more.
Myorgasm catapults through me, wave after wave of mind-bending pleasure, and he sees me through each ripple.Hegroans into each lick, as if he’s enjoying this as much asIam.
Myskin is on fire, my heart is racing, and my brain has no idea which way is up.Everyfiber and cell in me has been renewed.
Asmy body becomes mine again,Ipush at his head, because he still hasn’t stopped. “Oh, oh, no, too sensitive.”
Withone final kiss to my clit, he straightens, looking up the length of my body.There’sno green left in his eyes, and a stuttered breath breaks free whenIsee his beard glistening fromme.
Mytank top is useless at this point, because one of my breasts has slipped free from where he was tugging at it.Hiseyes glow at that reveal of skin, even though he’s already seen it—or was that my other boob?
“Areyou okay?” he asks as he tenderly rubs at my jellied limbs.
“Ithink you’ve ruined me.”Isigh, sitting upright and adjusting my top back in place. “Areyou?”
Hescrubs a hand down his face, but he doesn’t do it quick enough to hide the small smile that peeks through his fingers.Imean,I’dbe smug, too, ifImade a woman come so hard she had an out-of-body experience.
“Morethan okay.It’sjust…Ireally didn’t come knocking on your door with this being the end goal.Don’tget me wrong,I’mglad it happened, butIkinda had a speech lined up.”Heslips his glasses on and combs his fingers through his hair, quickly shifting back into the composed version of himself.
“Whatwas the speech about?”
“Beatsme.”Helaughs. “IthinkIshort-circuited when you answered the door in those shorts.Youcan’t wear them around me,I’lllose my mind.”
“So, you want me to walk around pantless?”
Hishands fly to the backs of my knees, and he drags me toward him, until our noses are pressed together. “Dothat, and we will never leave this apartment.”
“Thatdoesn’t sound too bad.”Ipress a quick kiss to his lips, only whenItaste myself on him, does it deepen.There’senough space between our bodies for me to reach down and find his rock-hard cock.Athroaty moan leaves him whenIpress the heel of my hand against it and the grip he has on me tightens.
“That’snot necessary.Ireally do—”Hiswords are cut off when my hand slips under the elastic of his shorts.
“Idisagree.”Myfingers coast across the velvet skin, andIbuzz with pride whenIfeel him twitch. “Thisfeels like a problem.Don’tbe that guy who says, ‘Ididn’t do it for you to return the favor.’Justlet me.”
“Honey, it’s been a problem since the moment you walked into my life.”
Withoutbreaking eye contactIconfess something. “I’veonly gone down on a guy once before.”